Title: "Who will pick the college football playoff teams?" Post by: Chechem on June 22, 2012, 04:14:29 PM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/06/now_the_question_becomes_who_w.html
Quote Now that a four-team playoff for college football's biggest division is becoming a reality, fans who have argued for its employment in determining the national champion will have to look elsewhere to vent. And we've got just the place for you. It's a natural: The college football playoff selection committee. Yep. All those polls, both human and computer, will simply be tools for use by the selection committee; they will have no direct bearing on which teams are selected. No one should have a problem with that. The polls -- who votes, how they voted and how the computers determined their rankings -- have long been a point of contention and, in many cases, disdain for fans. Once the playoff system is in place, the selection committee will do all the voting that matters. Sure, there are still going to be arguments, probably more than in the past simply because with two teams selected to play for the title, the list of qualified candidates is shorter. With four teams getting berths to play for the national championship, more teams will be under consideration, meaning more worthy teams will be left out. That means more fans feeling their team was not given a fair shake. You wanted a playoff, you've got it. The emphasis now shifts to a couple of very important questions: Who will be a part of the selection committee? Who will determine who will be a part of the selection committee? A lot of former coaches, including Bobby Bowden, have said they would like to serve on such a committee. Current coaches can't be a part of the process because of the conflict of interest.......... Title: Re: "Who will pick the college football playoff teams?" Post by: lawzoo on June 22, 2012, 04:27:46 PM John Swafford a-she-she Commissioner will be picking.............his nose. :tinfoil: