Title: "Six-bowl premium package will turn 2014 New Year's into nirvana" Post by: Chechem on June 30, 2012, 06:44:42 AM http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writers/stewart_mandel/06/28/bcs-bowl-selection/index.html?eref=twitter_feed
Quote How do you usually spend New Year's Eve? Living it up at a club? Attending a friend's house party? Enjoying a quiet dinner with your spouse? Well, it's time to make new plans for Dec. 31, 2014. College football's newly announced postseason is set to debut that day, and while most of the focus to this point has been on the four-team playoff, details are beginning to trickle out about the larger six-bowl premium package the commissioners envision. Long story short: It's going to be a two-day New Year's nirvana for college football fans on Dec. 31 and Jan. 1. "There will be three [games] each day, that's how we envision it," BCS Executive Director Bill Hancock said Thursday. "It will be 1 [p.m.], 5 and 8 [eastern], basically, and the same windows on New Year's Day." As was announced Tuesday, six bowls will rotate hosting the two semifinal games over a 12-year period ... Title: Re: "Six-bowl premium package will turn 2014 New Year's into nirvana" Post by: pmull on June 30, 2012, 05:40:00 PM http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writers/stewart_mandel/06/28/bcs-bowl-selection/index.html?eref=twitter_feed Quote How do you usually spend New Year's Eve? Living it up at a club? Attending a friend's house party? Enjoying a quiet dinner with your spouse? Well, it's time to make new plans for Dec. 31, 2014. College football's newly announced postseason is set to debut that day, and while most of the focus to this point has been on the four-team playoff, details are beginning to trickle out about the larger six-bowl premium package the commissioners envision. Long story short: It's going to be a two-day New Year's nirvana for college football fans on Dec. 31 and Jan. 1. "There will be three [games] each day, that's how we envision it," BCS Executive Director Bill Hancock said Thursday. "It will be 1 [p.m.], 5 and 8 [eastern], basically, and the same windows on New Year's Day." As was announced Tuesday, six bowls will rotate hosting the two semifinal games over a 12-year period ... Maybe they will spread some of the lower level but decent games out a little bit. I hate watching the trash games for two weeks and then all the mid level SEC games that are worth watching come on at the same time. 10AM New Years Day. Title: Re: "Six-bowl premium package will turn 2014 New Year's into nirvana" Post by: Chechem on June 30, 2012, 06:23:01 PM http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writers/stewart_mandel/06/28/bcs-bowl-selection/index.html?eref=twitter_feed Quote .. Maybe they will spread some of the lower level but decent games out a little bit. I hate watching the trash games for two weeks and then all the mid level SEC games that are worth watching come on at the same time. 10AM New Years Day. I know what you mean. Used to be there were good games for about 4 days, all worthy bowls. Now it's crappy bowls for 2 weeks, followed by the biggies after New Year's Day. Looks like we'll have the only biggies in 2 days, then the final NCG a week later. Wonder if we have to await a vote after the final game to make it official (like it is now). :dunno: |