Title: Long CNN Story on Penn State Admin Further Erodes Holy Joe Narrative Post by: ALTideUp on June 30, 2012, 10:48:25 AM A long CNN story that presents near-verbatim accounts of emails related to the 2011 Sanduski shower incident suggest that it was Joe Pa who derailed a plan to contact child protective services as required by law. The emails suggest that the administrators knuckled under to Joe's wishes.
CNN Articles (http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/30/justice/penn-state-emails/index.html?hpt=hp_t1) Quote Curley refers to a meeting scheduled that day with Spanier and indicates they apparently discussed the Sandusky incident two days earlier. Curley indicates he no longer wants to contact child welfare authorities just yet. He refers to a conversation the day before with Paterno. It's not known what Paterno may have said to Curley. Curley writes: "After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps." The athletic director apparently preferred to keep the situation an internal affair and talk things over with Sandusky instead of notifying the state's child welfare agency to investigate Sandusky's suspicious activity. "I am having trouble with going to everyone, but the person involved," Curley allegedly continues. Curley writes he'd be "more comfortable" meeting with Sandusky himself and telling him they know about the 2001 incident and -- according to a source with knowledge of the case -- refers to another shower incident with a boy in 1998 that was investigated by police, but never resulted in charges against Sandusky. Curley writes to Penn State's president Spanier that he wants to meet with Sandusky, tell him there's "a problem," and that "we want to assist the individual to get professional help." In the same purported e-mail provided to CNN, Curley goes on to suggest that if Sandusky "is cooperative," Penn State "would work with him" to tell Second Mile. If not, Curley states, the university will inform both Second Mile and outside authorities. Sandusky's 'make-believe world' Curley adds that he intends to inform Sandusky that his "guests" won't be allowed to use Penn State facilities anymore. "What do you think of this approach?" Curley allegedly wrote to Spanier. About two hours later, Spanier responded to Curley in another e-mail and copied Schultz. Spanier allegedly called the plan "acceptable", but worries whether it's the right thing to do, according to two sources. Title: Re: Long CNN Story on Penn State Admin Further Erodes Holy Joe Narrative Post by: Marshal Dillon on June 30, 2012, 10:56:52 AM Yep, it's gone from Holy Joe to Holy S**T. One of the Penn State administrators will definitely look for a plea deal now, or end up doing 10-15 years in jail. When one of them breaks, then the whole sordid story will be told. I think from the very beginning, siome of us knew it was going to get very rancid and ugly and Joe Paterno will be known as trash after it's all over.
:dog: Title: Re: Long CNN Story on Penn State Admin Further Erodes Holy Joe Narrative Post by: Jamos on June 30, 2012, 11:00:23 AM I will say that I have nothing for Joe paterno and Penn State University. What a bunch of self loving bunch of scumbags. As I said in another thread, the football program should get the death penalty and I don't care who does it. If the NCAA can't do it then the university itself should or the State of Pennsylvania. When they are done shutting the football program down, then they can prosecute all that were involved to the maximum. >:(
Title: Re: Long CNN Story on Penn State Admin Further Erodes Holy Joe Narrative Post by: 2Stater on June 30, 2012, 11:19:48 AM Yep, it's gone from Holy Joe to Holy S**T. One of the Penn State administrators will definitely look for a plea deal now, or end up doing 10-15 years in jail. When one of them breaks, then the whole sordid story will be told. I think from the very beginning, siome of us knew it was going to get very rancid and ugly and Joe Paterno will be known as trash after it's all over. :dog: Lol! That will probably be the title of the book that Curley will write from prison. A lot of people are going down because of this and it will be a long drawn out ordeal. Looks like we'll still be hearing a lot more about Sandusky and the rest of these dutchbags for a long time to come. :deadhorse: Title: Re: Long CNN Story on Penn State Admin Further Erodes Holy Joe Narrative Post by: Chechem on June 30, 2012, 11:47:54 AM I don't think I want to read that article. Maybe it's dumb, but I want to remember the young Paterno back when he was competing with Coach Bryant's teams. And, yes, the young Elvis too. The world was a better place then. Title: Re: Long CNN Story on Penn State Admin Further Erodes Holy Joe Narrative Post by: Marshal Dillon on June 30, 2012, 02:35:13 PM I don't think I want to read that article. Maybe it's dumb, but I want to remember the young Paterno back when he was competing with Coach Bryant's teams. And, yes, the young Elvis too. The world was a better place then. Yep. rampant liberalism, in which anything goes and do it if it feels good has replaced individual responsibility and morals. It's not a coincidence that crime and illegitimacy have shot up since the liberal revolution of the mid 60's. :'( Title: Re: Long CNN Story on Penn State Admin Further Erodes Holy Joe Narrative Post by: carl childers on June 30, 2012, 03:03:44 PM I have lost a lot of respect for Paterno with everything I have heard since this came out. It appears he at least knew of Sandusky's doings and did basically nothing; it looks probably like he conspired to cover the mess up to protect him. I am betting that the three who are still alive would have done something different if Paterno would have shown some leadership.
Title: Re: Long CNN Story on Penn State Admin Further Erodes Holy Joe Narrative Post by: Marshal Dillon on June 30, 2012, 03:42:47 PM I have lost a lot of respect for Paterno with everything I have heard since this came out. It appears he at least knew of Sandusky's doings and did basically nothing; it looks probably like he conspired to cover the mess up to protect him. I am betting that the three who are still alive would have done something different if Paterno would have shown some leadership. [/b]Bingo, you nailed it perfectly. All Paterno cared about was being the winningest coach in history, period. He got old and lost touch with what was important in life and he ruled athletics at Penn State like a dictator and nobody was going to challenge him. >:( Title: Re: Long CNN Story on Penn State Admin Further Erodes Holy Joe Narrative Post by: cbbama99 on June 30, 2012, 05:13:09 PM I have lost a lot of respect for Paterno with everything I have heard since this came out. It appears he at least knew of Sandusky's doings and did basically nothing; it looks probably like he conspired to cover the mess up to protect him. I am betting that the three who are still alive would have done something different if Paterno would have shown some leadership. [/b]Bingo, you nailed it perfectly. All Paterno cared about was being the winningest coach in history, period. He got old and lost touch with what was important in life and he ruled athletics at Penn State like a dictator and nobody was going to challenge him. >:( Sadly, I have to agree. Back when he and Bowden were going at it for Bear's record, I steadfastly stood behind JoePa (not that I had anything particularly against CBB, I just had so much respect for CJP). However, ever since last November, I have regretted that decision and wish it was CBB who had broken the record. While I wish I could do as Chech and remember the good days of CJP, the last few months of his life may have completely spoiled that for me. Title: Re: Long CNN Story on Penn State Admin Further Erodes Holy Joe Narrative Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 03, 2012, 08:47:56 PM The kool-aid drinkers are out in force for Paterno. I'm glad he's so proud of a child rapist enabler.
Quote Any confirmation that Paterno was involved in the decision not to report the shower assault won't matter to 1966 Penn State alumnus Michael S. Kirschner, a Bryn Mawr businessman and who chaired the Paterno Library board. ''To me it doesn't, because I love the man. I learned from him, and I can walk from my home in Philadelphia to Penn State in the footsteps of mistakes I've made,'' Kirschner said. ''The legacy of those of us who believed in him will not be tarnished. No matter what.'' http://msn.foxsports.com/collegefootball/story/Joe-Paterno-family-Release-all-emails-and-records-070312 Title: Re: Long CNN Story on Penn State Admin Further Erodes Holy Joe Narrative Post by: XBAMA on July 03, 2012, 09:18:03 PM The kool-aid drinkers are out in force for Paterno. I'm glad he's so proud of a child rapist enabler. Quote Any confirmation that Paterno was involved in the decision not to report the shower assault won't matter to 1966 Penn State alumnus Michael S. Kirschner, a Bryn Mawr businessman and who chaired the Paterno Library board. ''To me it doesn't, because I love the man. I learned from him, and I can walk from my home in Philadelphia to Penn State in the footsteps of mistakes I've made,'' Kirschner said. ''The legacy of those of us who believed in him will not be tarnished. No matter what.'' man those people are SICK ! Jesus Christ , do they hear what they are saying ? Paterno did nothing and the rest of them follow suit and did less than nothing ... the death penalty isn't severe enough as far as I see it should be worse than that . how these people live with themselves everyday is unbelievable when I hear the name Paterno I think of the likes of Hitler now a monster that ruled the kingdom raping and pillaging everything in sight . may they all rot in hell |