Title: "14 Burning Questions for 2012: #5 – Arkansas" Post by: Chechem on July 01, 2012, 07:27:01 AM http://tidebits.wordpress.com/2012/07/01/14-burning-questions-for-2012-5-arkansas/
Quote Fourteen teams and 14 questions. We’re up to question #5 today and it relates to the Arkansas Razorbacks. #5 – How much will the Razorbacks miss Bobby Petrino? This may be the biggest question in the SEC this year, if not all of college football. Bobby Petrino finally had the deck stacked in his favor this year. Returning all star caliber quarterback? Check. One of the top running backs in the league? Check. A new defensive coordinator and renewed hope for the defense? Check. Your two toughest opponents at home this season? Check. And then Petrino threw it all away. So how will the 2012 Hogs respond? I think there’s two major possibilities. First, obviously, losing their coach as they did could prove to be a rallying point for this team. You know the deal, us versus the world. The coaching staff remained in place and veteran John L. Smith was hired to guide the Hogs through this season. There’s still a Petrino calling the plays, Bobby’s brother Paul. So there’s a good chance 2012 will go just the same without Petrino as it would have with him. ... For most of the schedule, though, that difference probably won’t matter. Jacksonville State, Louisiana-Monroe, Rutgers and Tulsa. Yawn. Kentucky and Ole Miss? More yawn. Texas A&M (a), Auburn (a) and Mississippi State (a) are very winnable games, but the Hogs should be favored in each. The Petrino “difference,” however, will be on display in the other three games: Alabama (h), South Carolina (a) and LSU (h). With Alabama lined up third on the schedule, it won’t take long for us to see ......... |