Title: ESPN: Watch Bama on Saturdays Post by: che boludo on March 29, 2011, 06:21:42 AM ESPN John Saunders
3/27/11 Parting Shot: Football in the Fall (http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=6263631) Saunders gives props to Bama basketball, but says not to worry about the NFL as his time on Bama's campus reminded him that football would still be played this fall...on Saturday. ESPN loves Alabama. CNS has developed a very good relationship with them that is paying off for the entire athletic program and the University as a whole. Title: Re: ESPN: Watch Bama on Saturdays Post by: BAMAWV on March 29, 2011, 09:52:23 AM ESPN has developed a very good relationship with CNS that is paying off for the cable sports giant and the college football world as a whole. FIFY
Title: Re: ESPN: Watch Bama on Saturdays Post by: che boludo on March 29, 2011, 10:01:54 AM Jimmy Sexton has developed a very good relationship between ESPN ans CNS that is paying off for the University, the cable sports giant and the college football world as a whole. Fixed it again for us both. Jimmy Sexton may be the best thing to have happened for Bama football in a long time. (http://media.al.com/kevin-scarbinsky/photo/jimmy-sexton---1016jpg-5f29380acc8bf7cb_large.jpg) Title: Re: ESPN: Watch Bama on Saturdays Post by: BAMAWV on March 29, 2011, 10:04:01 AM Jimmy Sexton has developed a very good relationship between ESPN ans CNS that is paying off for the University, the cable sports giant and the college football world as a whole. Fixed it again for us both. Jimmy Sexton may be the best thing to have happened for Bama football in a long time. (http://media.al.com/kevin-scarbinsky/photo/jimmy-sexton---1016jpg-5f29380acc8bf7cb_large.jpg) Title: Re: ESPN: Watch Bama on Saturdays Post by: ricky023 on March 29, 2011, 04:09:04 PM ESPN loves Alabama, since when? Wow, this blew me away I am glad if it was true but they have never wanted us to be in the limelight or do well. Those reporters always pull for other teams even Rece Davis I am afraid. I have never seen him stand up for Alabama. RTR!