Title: Bailey Presumptive Favorite as Next UA Pres Post by: ALTideUp on July 07, 2012, 08:35:21 AM It appears that Bama's next president will be Dr. Guy Bailey from Texas Tech University. Bailey is on the executive board of the NCAA and was a graduate of undergraduate and graduate programs in English here at the University of Alabama. He struck the right cord when he told his chancellor that, like Coach Bryant told the Aggies, "when mama calls he has to go home".
Title: Re: Bailey Presumptive Favorite as Next UA Pres Post by: Catch Prothro on July 07, 2012, 09:40:35 AM It appears that Bama's next president will be Dr. Guy Bailey from Texas Tech University. Bailey is on the executive board of the NCAA and was a graduate of undergraduate and graduate programs in English here at the University of Alabama. He struck the right cord when he told his chancellor that, like Coach Bryant told the Aggies, "when mama calls he has to go home". He is the sole candidate, so odds look good. |