Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: Marshal Dillon on July 09, 2012, 01:33:54 PM

Title: More Dirt Coming on Penn State, Sandusky, & Paterno
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 09, 2012, 01:33:54 PM
This could be an even bigger bombshell than what we have already heard. I think Paterno comes out looking extremely bad and as a total hypocrite.

The probe into what Penn State officials knew and did or did not do about Sandusky’s serial raping of children is headed by Louis J. Freeh, a man with considerable experience in scouring the seamy underbelly of a culture that allows slime to thrive. As the Assistant U.S. Attorney in New York in the mid-1980s, he was the lead prosecutor against mobsters accused of using pizza parlors as fronts for an extensive drug-trafficking operation (16 of 17 co-defendants were convicted), and after being appointed Director of the FBI by then President Bill Clinton, Freeh’s office at times found itself called upon to investigate shenanigans at the White House.

According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, Paterno used email to manipulate control from Penn State officials following an off-campus beating incident involving football players. According to CNN and other outlets, emails have been discovered that implied PSU officials planned to report Sandusky after assistant coach Mike McQueary said he witnessed him assaulting a boy in the showers in 2001, but then decided to handle the issue in a "humane and upfront way” after discussing it with Paterno. Sandusky went on to sexually assault at least four more boys following that incident.


Title: Re: More Dirt Coming on Penn State, Sandusky, & Paterno
Post by: Chechem on July 09, 2012, 01:45:15 PM
Oh no.  I just feel sorry for his wife and family.   :(

Title: Re: More Dirt Coming on Penn State, Sandusky, & Paterno
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 09, 2012, 01:47:57 PM
Oh no.  I just feel sorry for his wife and family.   :(

I have to wonder about that. He had a son who was a coach with him for MANY years. I have to believe he knew everything, including the sordid stuff.


Title: Re: More Dirt Coming on Penn State, Sandusky, & Paterno
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 09, 2012, 01:58:13 PM
More in-depth info on this report.

In a subsequent e-mail to then-Penn State President Graham Spanier she is more blunt: “I am very troubled by the manipulative, disrespectful, uncivil and abusive behavior of our football coach,” she writes.

    In the same e-mail, she calls Paterno’s behavior “atrocious” and said others are mimicking his behavior. “It is quite shocking what this man — who is idolized by people everywhere — is teaching our students…” she writes.

The emails also suggest that, after Triponey had attempted to discipline PSU football players outside of Paterno’s preferred methods, she was harassed and it was ultimately suggested she leave her post.


Title: Re: More Dirt Coming on Penn State, Sandusky, & Paterno
Post by: pmull on July 09, 2012, 02:22:32 PM
I was watching "Talking Football" last night. Tony Barnhart and Mark Schlabach had a good conversation about the Penn ST situation. Schlabach started by saying he thought the NCAA should stay out of the Sandusky trail and let the courts decide what to do to him. He said he has changed him mind since reports have come out that high ranking administrators, AD and Joe Paterno knew about one or more boys being molested and covered it up. Barnhart jumped in and added that he had talked to NCAA President Mark Emmerk. He said the NCAA put the "Lack of Institutional Control" in place to make sure the athlectic department does not get enough power that they control the school. He went on to say that if it is found that Penn ST swept this whole matter under the rug to protect the football program they will get hammered by the NCAA.

This whole mess is getting worse for Penn ST instead of better. When all the dust is settled Paterno's name and legancy will be ruined as it should be. This is a he** of a lot worse than improper benefits to a recruit or current player.

Title: Re: More Dirt Coming on Penn State, Sandusky, & Paterno
Post by: ALTideUp on July 09, 2012, 02:28:10 PM
Oh yes, this has only begun. The period of mourning is over, and August is a slow news month, even in an election year. Look for insiders to start popping up on the 24 hr news channels with Greta and Oprah and Anderson etc.

They say if something looks too good to be true, it's probably not true. The Jesus rays that illuminated Holy Nitany Mountain all these years will soon be replaced by the glare of media spotlights.

Title: Re: More Dirt Coming on Penn State, Sandusky, & Paterno
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 09, 2012, 02:31:33 PM
Oh yes, this has only begun. The period of mourning is over, and August is a slow news month, even in an election year. Look for insiders to start popping up on the 24 hr news channels with Greta and Oprah and Anderson etc.

They say if something looks too good to be true, it's probably not true. The Jesus rays that illuminated Holy Nitany Mountain all these years will soon be replaced by the glare of media spotlights.

No doubt Paterno had totally snowed the entire media who built him up to be a saint for over 40 years. This was also part of the myth about Big Ten football and how morally superior they were to the SEC.

Title: Re: More Dirt Coming on Penn State, Sandusky, & Paterno
Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on July 09, 2012, 03:21:46 PM
Sad to know that lives were further damaged in the name of saving a college football program.  I know we take our football seriously in this state, but let's pray something like this never happens at Alabama.  Or anywhere else for that matter.

Title: Re: More Dirt Coming on Penn State, Sandusky, & Paterno
Post by: 2Stater on July 09, 2012, 03:40:36 PM
I saw a "heads up" report on the ESPN web site last night that this was coming down today. I didn't post it because I'm sick to death of the subject. I hope every single person involved gets what they deserve. I imagine Paterno is getting his, as we speak. That is all. Over and out.