Title: Final Joe Paterno Letter to Players Revealed-Totally Delusional Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 11, 2012, 10:06:03 PM Paterno was a real piece of work. He was desperately trying to save his legacy. Pathetic.
Quote In the letter, written shortly before his death and confirmed as legitimate by his family, Paterno rejected the notion that Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse of boys amounted to a "football scandal" or in any way tarnished the accomplishments of his players or Penn State's reputation as a whole. Quote The NCAA, meanwhile, said Wednesday that it will decide on whether to take action at the "appropriate time." The governing body said it has already been collecting information from Freeh's probe, and that Penn State will have to formally respond to questions from NCAA President Mark Emmert after Freeh reveals his findings. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/football/ncaa/07/11/joe-paterno-penn-state-letter.ap/index.html#ixzz20NFnaeho >:( Title: Re: Final Joe Paterno Letter to Players Revealed-Totally Delusional Post by: XBAMA on July 11, 2012, 10:45:12 PM talk about wishful thinking , joe took it to a new level
did he forget JS was an employee of the PSU football program ? and used the PSU football program to execute his crimes ? while nearly every other PSU employee , coach or former / current player did nothing to stop it ? look out PSU the hammer is getting warmed up to drop like never before .... Title: Re: Final Joe Paterno Letter to Players Revealed-Totally Delusional Post by: Chechem on July 12, 2012, 05:26:19 AM Just a terrible series of criminal events. :( Title: Re: Final Joe Paterno Letter to Players Revealed-Totally Delusional Post by: Jamos on July 12, 2012, 05:52:00 AM Sickening!! >:(
Title: Re: Final Joe Paterno Letter to Players Revealed-Totally Delusional Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 12, 2012, 07:29:15 AM The Freeh report will be released today with major revelations. I expect that many people knew about Sandusky, but Paterno ruled with an iron fist and would not approve any action against him. I think the power and authority of Paterno will be a big element of the report.
:think: Title: Re: Final Joe Paterno Letter to Players Revealed-Totally Delusional Post by: pmull on July 12, 2012, 08:43:46 AM Paterno was only concerned about his legacy. I was a big Paterno fan for many years. I loved the Penn St series that lasted about 10 years back in the 80's. He put some good teams on the field. I though his his teams were well coached and played with class. However, he should have retired at least 10 years ago. It has been many years since he actually coached. He sat in the press box and did not even wear a head set. Every time he stepped foot on the field he got his azz ran over by a player. His only concern was getting the wins to pad his stats.
I had lost some respect for him staying around too long. Now, to find out he allowed Sandusky to moleste kids in his locker room is disgusting. I am convienced Paterno was protecting his legacy. Penn St needs to remove his statue and disassociate itself as much as possible from Paterno. Title: Re: Final Joe Paterno Letter to Players Revealed-Totally Delusional Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 12, 2012, 08:49:57 AM Paterno was only concerned about his legacy. I was a big Paterno fan for many years. I loved the Penn St series that lasted about 10 years back in the 80's. He put some good teams on the field. I though his his teams were well coached and played with class. However, he should have retired at least 10 years ago. It has been many years since he actually coached. He sat in the press box and did not even wear a head set. Every time he stepped foot on the field he got his azz ran over by a player. His only concern was getting the wins to pad his stats. I had lost some respect for him staying around too long. Now, to find out he allowed Sandusky to moleste kids in his locker room is disgusting. I am convienced Paterno was protecting his legacy. Penn St needs to remove his statue and disassociate itself as much as possible from Paterno. After this and the court case, I think the statue has to come down. Plus, I wonder if the NCAA will do anything of substance? ??? |