Title: Alabama softball gets highly touted transfer Post by: Jamos on July 14, 2012, 08:19:24 AM The national champion University of Alabama softball team, which already has the nation’s top-ranked recruit and three others ranked in the top 50 coming in as freshmen next season, will also have a proven newcomer on the roster.
http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/article/20120713/NEWS/120719923?tc=cr Title: Re: Alabama softball gets highly touted transfer Post by: Leewillie on July 14, 2012, 10:31:37 AM That's good news
Thanks for posting it I like her attitude already Title: Re: Alabama softball gets highly touted transfer Post by: pmull on July 14, 2012, 04:22:54 PM She looks like jack of all trades on defense. He can play shortstop or catcher. I guessing she could also play 2nd or outfield. Looks like a good hitter too. She adds a little experience to our incoming class. Nice pick up for CPM.
Nice post Jamos. Title: Re: Alabama softball gets highly touted transfer Post by: Jamos on July 14, 2012, 07:31:37 PM I'm really excited for fall practice to start, Murph has landed some immediate help in replacing the 6 seniors from this past year. Fichtner was really the icing on the cake. :clap: