Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: Marshal Dillon on July 23, 2012, 08:55:35 PM

Title: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 23, 2012, 08:55:35 PM
These PSU folks are despicable. I guess he thinks we will feel sorry for him and prevent him from being indicted.

Ousted Penn State University president Graham Spanier insisted that he wouldn’t have ignored child sexual-abuse complaints as the school’s top administrator because he was beaten repeatedly as a child by his father, his lawyer told The Associated Press on Monday.

Spanier received regular “disciplinary beatings” by his father as a teen, and had to have his nose straightened several times, lawyer Peter Vaira said. The abuse was never sexual, Vaira said.


Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attemp to Save His Butt
Post by: ALTideUp on July 23, 2012, 09:07:12 PM
That's a risky maneuver. If hard evidence emerges that he did know, he will be in a position of explaining why, given his personal history of abuse, did he knowing fail those young boys.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attemp to Save His Butt
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 23, 2012, 09:19:23 PM
That's a risky maneuver. If hard evidence emerges that he did know, he will be in a position of explaining why, given his personal history of abuse, did he knowing fail those young boys.

Excellent point, but right now he's desperate and will say anything.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attemp to Save His Butt
Post by: ALTideUp on July 23, 2012, 09:24:59 PM

   MD, you should have done a steak bet with me about how this thing would end. My prediction of self-imposed program suspension was wide of the mark, especially the self-imposed part.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attemp to Save His Butt
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 23, 2012, 09:28:55 PM

   MD, you should have done a steak bet with me about how this thing would end. My prediction of self-imposed program suspension was wide of the mark, especially the self-imposed part.

I knew they wouldn't do that because they struggled to make a decision to remove the Paterno statue. PSU was still trying to live on the edge and have it both ways. Making a lot of talk but making very few actions. They really thought they would skate on serious sanctions. I think they thought the Big Ten would save their bacon.


Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: BAMAWV on July 23, 2012, 10:03:04 PM
They still have enough directly involved/guilty parties (McQueery) running free to fill a PTA meeting while you fine folks focus on the NCAA lining their pockets.


Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 23, 2012, 10:17:15 PM
BAMAWV: You made this statement on a thread yesterday:

BTW, remember BAMAWV jumping up and down this time last year (and any time the PSU subject came up) because CJP and PSU were a bunch of worthless cheaters and rust belt trash. Dig up all the posts, of our posters saying what a classy, great man he was and how much everyone respected their program and student body. But let's be clear that I was ahead on the learning curve.

I remember you making a similar statement some time ago. Have you lived iin that area of Pennsylvania? What are you basing your statement on? Just wondering Thanks.


Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: Catch Prothro on July 23, 2012, 10:43:25 PM
These PSU folks are despicable. I guess he thinks we will feel sorry for him and prevent him from being indicted.

Ousted Penn State University president Graham Spanier insisted that he wouldn’t have ignored child sexual-abuse complaints as the school’s top administrator because he was beaten repeatedly as a child by his father, his lawyer told The Associated Press on Monday.

Spanier received regular “disciplinary beatings” by his father as a teen, and had to have his nose straightened several times, lawyer Peter Vaira said. The abuse was never sexual, Vaira said.

He has to know that he's next -- they've already indicted those working under him on this matter.  And yes, he's desperate.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: BAMAWV on July 23, 2012, 11:57:36 PM
BAMAWV: You made this statement on a thread yesterday:

BTW, remember BAMAWV jumping up and down this time last year (and any time the PSU subject came up) because CJP and PSU were a bunch of worthless cheaters and rust belt trash. Dig up all the posts, of our posters saying what a classy, great man he was and how much everyone respected their program and student body. But let's be clear that I was ahead on the learning curve.

I remember you making a similar statement some time ago. Have you lived iin that area of Pennsylvania? What are you basing your statement on? Just wondering Thanks.

No PA personal experiences, except for going to BAMA games there. I've also been to a 76ers game-- but you are close. WVU has a long history of getting ripped off on calls by referees wearing a CJP locket on their neck (lol). Every since I waas a kid stories have floated about PSU and the referees, PSU recruiting fiascos, etc. So when an official, somehow related to Paterno or someone else on the team, called a BAMA TD out of the endzone when it was clearly the winning TD I was not surprised.

BTW, if you have noticed me changing gears and switching to a "enough is enough" policy on PSU there is a reason. I  have a close friend that happens to be a PSU grad. I have posted before on how he and I have a contest going between us, for the best seats/tickets in sports. This has led to a dozen or more luxury skybox seats (Yankees or Mets), 3rd base line or "feet on the dugout" tickets, etc. But Mark is in my opinion a great guy. He has always shown plenty of interest in the TIDE   and never said anything bad, other than the usual kidding around stuff that guys do. Mark has never raped anyone. Without having to ask, I'm sure he stands firmly against rape. I am also certain his disgust with rape goes "doubly" or "tripley" when it comes to young boys being the victims.

So I have struggled to try and play this out in my mind, as BAMA being accused in lieu of PSU. How would I feel should something similar occur in T-Town. You hear or see people say, "I can only imagine how I would feel if Bama..." but they really don't. Just the hatred (imagined) you would feel toward all the forum members. If it were Bama and not PSU, I think I would be thinking, "What gives you the right to even comment on a big-time program such as..." I thought the other day, again imagining Bama as the guilty school, of how pissed I would have been for CNS (CJP in the imagination exercise) to even comment on my ticket prices. But that is how I arrived at defending PSU. Because when you break it down, only 2 men have actually been punished, while scores of others had the knowledge of and opportunity to intervene. I am not interested in punishing my friend Mark. To the contrary, I want ALL the people that have put my friend Mark (not to mention the victims and their families), in this position, when all he is guilty of is loving his college and their football team.

I haven't called him since this story broke last fall.  He didn't call to congratulate our team on the NC, so he is obviously deeply affected. IDK what to say to him, so I'm playing a little defense (he likes defense too) on his behalf.

[Side note: This goes back to the fall when this story broke. I commented at the time, drawing attention to the time frame/number of years that this had been allowed to continue. The story here was on the Sandusky/McQueery incident but I had pointed to an article that I had posted on TS that had to do with an actual criminal charge that was later dismissed against Sandusky. So if some backwoods gumper from WV had prior knowledge of Sandusky's forays into the pants of little boys, then I gaurantee others in the athletic dept. and local media knew these heinous crimes were taking place.]

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: Jamos on July 24, 2012, 05:44:11 AM
WV, I agree totally that ALL parties knowingly involved with this should be tried as an accessary to the crime. I was one of those that had no idea that any of this was happening and due to the nature of the crime, felt it was hard to believe that any of it could have actually happened.

I also agree with you concerning the hurt of some of their fans, but not those who still want to sweep it under the rug and move on. At one point in time I felt Bama's program was very near where PSU is today with all of the rogues in the background doing the wrong things at will and no one was willing to stop them. Fortunately for Bama the rogues were eliminated and things got better for Bama but I agree with what you said yesterday, had PSU tried to clean this mess up long ago, things might be a lot different today.

I hate all of this happened for you and your friend, hopefully things will heal for the two of you.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: BAMAWV on July 24, 2012, 06:07:03 AM
WV, I agree totally that ALL parties knowingly involved with this should be tried as an accessary to the crime. I was one of those that had no idea that any of this was happening and due to the nature of the crime, felt it was hard to believe that any of it could have actually happened.

I also agree with you concerning the hurt of some of their fans, but not those who still want to sweep it under the rug and move on. At one point in time I felt Bama's program was very near where PSU is today with all of the rogues in the background doing the wrong things at will and no one was willing to stop them. Fortunately for Bama the rogues were eliminated and things got better for Bama but I agree with what you said yesterday, had PSU tried to clean this mess up long ago, things might be a lot different today.

I hate all of this happened for you and your friend, hopefully things will heal for the two of you.
Thanks, Jamos. Let me add another thought. I realize that cramming PSU into a box is more important to most than doing anything to help heal the ones that actually experienced sexual predation. Since the NCAA sanctions completely ignore the victims and no one seems to care about punishing the majority of those involved this leaves these victims in a bad spot. The punishments levied by the NCAA against the football program will just make their friends and neighbors HATE these tortured souls. But at least the NCAA got their greedy hands on a years worth of PSU revenue.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: BAMAWV on July 24, 2012, 12:22:52 PM
Additionally, the businesses of University Park have done nothing to deserve the economic downturn they are about to experience. These are the people that support the teams year round in many ways. I am not sure why they are being punished by the disassembling of the football team, but I am sure the NCAA can tell us.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 24, 2012, 12:40:07 PM
Additionally, the businesses of University Park have done nothing to deserve the economic downturn they are about to experience. These are the people that support the teams year round in many ways. I am not sure why they are being punished by the disassembling of the football team, but I am sure the NCAA can tell us.

That's the cost others must pay for the acts of others. When a man goes to prison, his wife and kids are left without his financial support, maybe even his parents and others. Does that mean we don't send him to prison, since his family will suffer? Of course not, the responsibility is on the convicted for doing his acts. You keep looking for a perfect solution or answer, there is none. Penn State had to be hammered to send a loud, clear message to all coaches and universities, especially university presidents. Reality is a cruel thing sometimes and there are no easy answers.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: ALTideUp on July 24, 2012, 01:52:28 PM
That so many lives will be adversely affected by the NCAA sanctions is not an effect of the sanctions, it's a cause for them, the reason they are needed. That is to say, it's precisely because the football team has become so damned important to everyone that people chose to protect it instead of the children. The effect of the NCAA sanctions has to be making football less important, and that means people who fed off that cow are going to have to diversify, make some changes, attract academic conferences, sponsor art festivals, etc. to replace some of the lost business.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: XBAMA on July 24, 2012, 02:03:16 PM
and that means people who fed off that cow are going to have to diversify, make some changes, attract academic conferences, sponsor art festivals, etc. to replace some of the lost business.

great idea ! also in conjunction , 
maybe start a clinic on the proper ways of recognizing  and reporting
child abuse of all kinds

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 24, 2012, 03:24:46 PM
That so many lives will be adversely affected by the NCAA sanctions is not an effect of the sanctions, it's a cause for them, the reason they are needed. That is to say, it's precisely because the football team has become so damned important to everyone that people chose to protect it instead of the children. The effect of the NCAA sanctions has to be making football less important, and that means people who fed off that cow are going to have to diversify, make some changes, attract academic conferences, sponsor art festivals, etc. to replace some of the lost business.

BINGO!! Penn State brought most of this onto themselves. Blame Penn State, not the NCAA.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: XBAMA on July 24, 2012, 03:34:56 PM
other than not playing in a bowl game won't they still play a regular number of games there at Beaver Stadium ? just like every other season in the past ?

granted the players might not be the same ones that may have been there
before the poo hit the blades , but they will have players , and they will
be playing football , right ?

it's not like they have been at the top of college ball lately anyway
so the drop off won't be that noticeable , will it ?

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 24, 2012, 03:47:39 PM
other than not playing in a bowl game won't they still play a regular number of games there at Beaver Stadium ? just like every other season in the past ?

granted the players might not be the same ones that may have been there
before the poo hit the blades , but they will have players , and they will
be playing football , right ?

it's not like they have been at the top of college ball lately anyway
so the drop off won't be that noticeable , will it ?

Good point. They have averaged 8 wins a season since 1998, so its not like they were part of the national conversation.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: ricky023 on July 24, 2012, 05:13:04 PM
You know I have read all these posts and I see that there is a lot of hammering PSU which includes all students, players, teachers, towns people, and admin people. If I left anybody out I apologize so sue me, I only have bills you can get.
I have yet to see anybody talk about prayer for the victims, or the souls of the folks that conspired to hide all this. I am about to wonder if there is no hearts or sanctification in here? I know it is fun for most of us to bombard PSU but I would have thought, through all these posts one prayer would have been mention or ask for?  RTR!

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 24, 2012, 05:20:02 PM
You know I have read all these posts and I see that there is a lot of hammering PSU which includes all students, players, teachers, towns people, and admin people. If I left anybody out I apologize so sue me, I only have bills you can get.
I have yet to see anybody talk about prayer for the victims, or the souls of the folks that conspired to hide all this. I am about to wonder if there is no hearts or sanctification in here? I know it is fun for most of us to bombard PSU but I would have thought, through all these posts one prayer would have been mention or ask for?  RTR!

The men who concealed child rape don't have a soul.


Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: ALTideUp on July 24, 2012, 05:33:50 PM
I'm not a religious person, though I regard myself as forgiving and compassionate. But there are two related problems here. First is that It's not my place to forgive or console the PSU family. The victims are the ones who need consoling, and it is their prerogative to forgive or not. Second, regardless of who is doing the forgiving, doesn't that come after the part where the wrongdoers break down, admit their misdeeds, and ask for forgiveness? If the community seemed like they were genuinely sorry for their part in this and/or ashamed to be associated with these nefarious administrators, I'd be the first to show compassion. But to my mind, every day they dig their heels in further, and every time they do it's another slap in the face to the victims. That doesn't put me in a forgiving mood.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: ricky023 on July 24, 2012, 07:05:57 PM
I understand. RTR!

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: BAMAWV on July 24, 2012, 08:15:15 PM
Additionally, the businesses of University Park have done nothing to deserve the economic downturn they are about to experience. These are the people that support the teams year round in many ways. I am not sure why they are being punished by the disassembling of the football team, but I am sure the NCAA can tell us.

That's the cost others must pay for the acts of others. When a man goes to prison, his wife and kids are left without his financial support, maybe even his parents and others. Does that mean we don't send him to prison, since his family will suffer? Of course not, the responsibility is on the convicted for doing his acts. You keep looking for a perfect solution or answer, there is none. Penn State had to be hammered to send a loud, clear message to all coaches and universities, especially university presidents. Reality is a cruel thing sometimes and there are no easy answers.
The conversation surrounding this issue has already been hammered home over the past 8 months. Anyone out there suffering from this type of abuse has been reached with a consistent message. The message that victimizing children will not be tolerated has already been shouted from the rooftops of not just Pennsylvania but across our country. It has been exemplified and illustrated that reporting your abusers will not bring retribution upon yourself, but on the criminals. Media from around our nation said without exception, that coming forth and reporting predators is heroic and you will not be adding humiliation and public blame to your list of horrors by reporting. That these predators are by far in the minority, and society in general will protect you from these crimes at all costs.

That was, unfortunately, the message until the NCAA felt compelled to overreach their mission. While people in Alabama still are receiving the message that that bad guy will be punished, that is no longer the case in Pennsylvania. The actual victims of these abominations will soon begin to receive a different message from their neighbors,-- the people of Pennsylvania.

 First they will hear charges against them of opportunism. Folks will say they are becoming millionaires off this incident (civil suits). Hatred will emanate toward those that sue the estate of Joe Paterno. They will be blamed for being raped, maybe only because no one there will be willing to accept that PSU, or even the PSU Athletic Department is top to bottom evil.  Since the PA society will not accept blanket blame, and the NCAA is not willing to admit this breakdown was not universal but a handful of administrators, someone else will have to take the blame every Saturday.

Addressing the issue for months, sending a message of intolerance for sexual battery on children was not enough for the fans of other schools. Their hate for PSU, or maybe just Yankees or the Big 10, compelled them to hop up and down for NCAA sanctions against the school. It did not matter that the well being of these particular victims would not be well served. It did not matter these victims will soon be afraid to admit they were victims,-- not out of fear from sexual predation but out of fear of retaliation or ostracization by the football fans. :(

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 24, 2012, 08:19:21 PM
As you sow, so shall you reap.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: XBAMA on July 24, 2012, 08:24:04 PM
there is a lot of hammering PSU which includes all students, players, teachers, towns people, and admin people.

I have yet to see anybody talk about prayer for the victims, or the souls of the folks that conspired to hide all this.

I would have thought, through all these posts one prayer would have been mention or ask for?

sorry Ricky
maybe we should have made our Prayers more public

I do Pray for the victims , their families , friends and loved ones

I also Pray for the other side of this too , the bad guys , but
mostly that , there is a special place in Hell waiting on them  
especially JS ...

I refuse to put a "C" for Coach in front of any of any their names
that goes double for JP and JS
they do not deserve a "C" , only special people get that right .
they are not Coaches IMO , at least not what I call a Coach .

I have no ill will towards the majority of the PSU nation
but some of them need to be woke up , they missed this completely .
I try not to Judge these folks even though sometimes I may a little bit ,
the nature of this crime brings that out of me and frustration helps too .
they have a much higher authority to answer to than me ...

there is nothing in this mess that is good for anyone ,
the poor victims , the innocent by-standers called PSU fans
and then there is College Football as a whole  ...

to be honest , I'll be glad when this is so far in our rear view mirrors
we can't see it with the Hubble telescope ...

God Bless Ricky , we will be Praying , bank on it Sir !


Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: XBAMA on July 24, 2012, 08:33:01 PM
The men who concealed child rape don't have a soul.


I can agree with this , no soul at all  >:(

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: XBAMA on July 24, 2012, 08:43:10 PM
Ousted Penn State University president Graham Spanier insisted that he wouldn’t have ignored child sexual-abuse complaints as the school’s top administrator because he was beaten repeatedly as a child by his father, his lawyer told The Associated Press on Monday.

Spanier received regular “disciplinary beatings” by his father as a teen, and had to have his nose straightened several times, lawyer Peter Vaira said. The abuse was never sexual, Vaira said.


so Graham Spanier didn't even do anything about it when it
was happening to HIM ?


come on man , really ? did nothing ? even as a teenager ?

WOW ! that's amazing

I still say this stuff seems to be common place with these people
maybe I'm wrong , but something ain't right with these folks ...

God Bless them all ....  :pray:

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: ricky023 on July 24, 2012, 10:56:20 PM
there is a lot of hammering PSU which includes all students, players, teachers, towns people, and admin people.

I have yet to see anybody talk about prayer for the victims, or the souls of the folks that conspired to hide all this.

I would have thought, through all these posts one prayer would have been mention or ask for?

sorry Ricky
maybe we should have made our Prayers more public

I do Pray for the victims , their families , friends and loved ones

I also Pray for the other side of this too , the bad guys , but
mostly that , there is a special place in Hell waiting on them 
especially JS ...

I refuse to put a "C" for Coach in front of any of any their names
that goes double for JP and JS
they do not deserve a "C" , only special people get that right .
they are not Coaches IMO , at least not what I call a Coach .

I have no ill will towards the majority of the PSU nation
but some of them need to be woke up , they missed this completely .
I try not to Judge these folks even though sometimes I may a little bit ,
the nature of this crime brings that out of me and frustration helps too .
they have a much higher authority to answer to than me ...

there is nothing in this mess that is good for anyone ,
the poor victims , the innocent by-standers called PSU fans
and then there is College Football as a whole  ...

to be honest , I'll be glad when this is so far in our rear view mirrors
we can't see it with the Hubble telescope ...

God Bless Ricky , we will be Praying , bank on it Sir !


 #+, It doesn't matter but I do see private prayers working and that is great. I do agree with all of course but what really scares me is the HATE I saw coming out. I just can't sit and see anybody leave this world with hate in their heart without telling them. God Bless you all. I just did my job as Christ teaches me in his Word, tell them the truth. Goodnight also.  ;D, RTR!

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: XBAMA on July 25, 2012, 01:27:33 AM
what really scares me is the HATE I saw coming out. I just can't sit and see anybody leave this world with hate in their heart

roger wilco ... 10-4 .... read ya' loud and clear Preacher man     :-X

( (

( (

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: ALTideUp on July 25, 2012, 08:08:03 AM
It's a good thing you do Ricky, to keep us between the lines. This thing could become a feeding frenzy. Too much agreement is usually a sign of too little crutical thinking.

Title: Re: Ex-President of Penn State Makes Pathetic Attempt to Save His Butt
Post by: ricky023 on July 25, 2012, 03:49:59 PM
It's a good thing you do Ricky, to keep us between the lines. This thing could become a feeding frenzy. Too much agreement is usually a sign of too little crutical thinking.

 #+, thanks so much ALTideUp. I just respect all you guys because you all have so much knowledge. I do enjoy watching your posts and learning so much more about University of Alabama. Looking forward to camp starting and let's Roll Tide Roll. RTR!