Title: Giant Alligator Killed in Alabama Post by: pmull on July 25, 2012, 12:40:57 PM This will make you think twice before to hop off the boat for a swim.
Quote These pictures were taken by a helicopter flying over Lake Wiess about 90 miles north of Birmingham , http://t.co/mZX1xHf5 (http://itsguycode.com/images/stories/gator/giant-alligator-3.jpg) Title: Re: Giant Alligator Killed in Alabama Post by: Leroy on July 25, 2012, 01:17:39 PM :lol:
That poor old gator has lived a tough life. He's been killed a couple of times a year over the past few years in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas. I do beieve this may be the first time he's been killed this year though ;) Title: Re: Giant Alligator Killed in Alabama Post by: SUPERCOACH on July 25, 2012, 01:49:50 PM Quote These pictures were taken by a helicopter flying over Lake Wiess about 90 miles north of Birmingham , :lol: :lol: :lol: Bull! This is my neck of the woods. There are NO gators in Lake Wiess. There are however, 2 or 3 Black Bears in Little River Canyon that empties into Lake Wiess. Title: Re: Giant Alligator Killed in Alabama Post by: ricky023 on July 25, 2012, 03:29:38 PM Hey guys, is this a true story? I ask because I have never read this article before. One thing for sure that is a Monster gator. Thanks for showing. RTR!
Title: Re: Giant Alligator Killed in Alabama Post by: pmull on July 25, 2012, 03:48:40 PM I don't think it is true. A 5' gator in Montgomery makes the news so a 28' gator in North Alabama would be front page stuff. I found the article on a tweet from Arron Shuttles at Tidesports. True or not I thought it was interesting.
Quote Aaron Suttles @AaronSuttles Anyone want to go to the lake? 28-foot gator found in lake north of birmingham. You bon't believe the pictures. itsguycode.com/guycode/605-gi… Title: Re: Giant Alligator Killed in Alabama Post by: SUPERCOACH on July 25, 2012, 05:57:46 PM It is not true. The largest gator ever mentioned on Swamp People was 13 feet. The picture is a trick anyone can do with their camera.
Title: Re: Giant Alligator Killed in Alabama Post by: BAMAWV on July 25, 2012, 06:12:43 PM I don't even believe that game warden is 6'5". Next time we see him all those accessories on his belt will be made out of gator.
Title: Re: Giant Alligator Killed in Alabama Post by: Jamos on July 25, 2012, 09:32:47 PM The last time I saw this gator was when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans.
Title: Re: Giant Alligator Killed in Alabama Post by: Merk on July 31, 2012, 09:36:44 PM This will make you think twice before to hop off the boat for a swim. Quote These pictures were taken by a helicopter flying over Lake Wiess about 90 miles north of Birmingham , http://t.co/mZX1xHf5 (http://itsguycode.com/images/stories/gator/giant-alligator-3.jpg) If that is Wiess Lake northeast of Gadseden, it is crap. I water skied many a summer there and never saw or heard a rumor of gators. :dunno: |