Title: Alabama’s Richardson Ready to Strike Heisman Pose Post by: Yellow Pup on March 29, 2011, 08:31:17 PM Quote:
Alabama Crimson Tide running back Trent Richardson has emerged from the shadows of former Heisman winner Mark Ingram and is ready to shoulder the load for the Tide in 2011. For the last two years, Trent Richardson has made a name for himself in Tuscaloosa, but he’s always been the #2 guy. That is no longer the case with Mark Ingram leaving a year early for the NFL. Richardson is indisputably the leading man in Alabama’s backfield and he will have to shoulder a huge load this season. More (http://isportsweb.com/2011/03/29/alabamas-richardson-ready-to-strike-heisman-pose/) ;) Title: Re: Alabama’s Richardson Ready to Strike Heisman Pose Post by: #1Tidefan on March 29, 2011, 11:52:29 PM ...and if that OL improves, I indeed think he'll have a fantastic shot at that award.
Great read sir. |