Title: Video: Chase Goodbread -- TS Live 29 March 2011 Post by: che boludo on March 30, 2011, 12:57:30 PM Credit bamax2natl for the vid and highlights.
3/29/11 Chase Goodbread -- TS Live http://video.tuscaloosanews.com/video/867792034001 Updates from the video: Brandon Moore is no longer living in Bryant Hall Robby Green will probably be gone by end of summer Duron Carter in all likelihood will be signed Goodbread likes DeAndrew White, fast changing directions & good routes Kenny Bell not as good a route runner, but longer reach and jump ability Chris Jordan inside LB probably won't be with #1s, but good backup tackle right or left some old SI article saying women went crazier for Joe Namath in NY than the Beatles, and they talk about the cover below How much are the players motivated by the posters saying "Never Again"? no answer Corey Grant may move to cornerback Demetrius Goode, 5th yr Sr., probably won't get any snaps All players now are Saban recruits Bama is primed for a big season A-Day will tell us a lot about game situation and the pecking order going into camp Title: Re: Video: Chase Goodbread -- TS Live 29 March 2011 Post by: ricky023 on March 30, 2011, 01:14:46 PM All CNS recruits, and Goode may not get any snaps. Those caught my eye. I thought Goode was 3rd in line? RTR!