Title: "Evaluation of Crimson Tide's 3 kickers remains 'ongoing' " Post by: Chechem on August 12, 2012, 06:33:12 AM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/08/evaluation_of_crimson_tides_3.html
Quote Alabama used all three of its kickers -- Jeremy Shelley, Cade Foster and highly touted freshman Adam Griffith -- on field goals during Saturday's scrimmage and "they all did a pretty decent job," Saban said. "They all had good kicks and bad kicks," Saban said. "The evaluation of those three guys is going to be ongoing, as well as the kickoffs." ... The new rule about kickoffs should help ensure that Cade gets touchbacks on every kickoff. Last year our kickoffs weren't long or consistent (ugh, remember?). Title: Re: "Evaluation of Crimson Tide's 3 kickers remains 'ongoing' " Post by: Jamos on August 12, 2012, 08:23:58 AM CNS was impressed with Mandell though and that is encouraging after his much improved spring practice. It would be nice to have a good punter for getting some field advantage for a change.
Title: Re: "Evaluation of Crimson Tide's 3 kickers remains 'ongoing' " Post by: Chechem on August 12, 2012, 09:16:22 AM CNS was impressed with Mandell though and that is encouraging after his much improved spring practice. It would be nice to have a good punter for getting some field advantage for a change. Punters and kickers are a weird group. Often they seem to be head cases. I know nothing about these guys personally, but they seem as erratic as most. We need Mandell to punt consistently this year. He was a star during the BCSNC, and I hope that carries over to this year. Nice when the punter is the weak link in depth for us, no? |