Title: "Nick Saban searching for special young players for Tide's special teams" Post by: Chechem on August 13, 2012, 06:11:32 AM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/08/nick_saban_searching_for_speci.html
Quote Auditions are under way for job openings at Saban & Co., Inc., where headhunters are seeking headhunters. This firm sometimes looks for executives in crimson suits in the form of junior college transfers, but most of the opportunities are entry-level positions. Special teams are the job definition. Kickoff coverage is a particular task that can be a springboard to advancement. Freshmen are encouraged to apply. A year ago, freshmen Vinnie Sunseri and Trey DePriest starred on the Alabama football team's kickoff coverage unit. Now Sunseri could be a starting safety this fall, and DePriest probably will start at middle linebacker... |