Title: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet" Updated: cleared by AHSAA Post by: Chechem on August 13, 2012, 01:36:11 PM Maybe this should in the Jovon Robinson thread, but (so far) it's a separate investigation. I'm led to believe this is part of a broad investigation into Aub recruiting, but we'll wait for confirmation. :popcorn2:
http://www.sbnation.com/college-football-recruiting/2012/8/13/3239986/reuben-foster-ncaa-investigator-auburn-recruiting Quote Remember when Reuben Foster, the No. 2 recruit in the nation for 2013, flipped his commitment from Alabama to Auburn after transferring to a high school in the Tigers' immediate vicinity? The NCAA does, too, according to a report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in which the five-star's mother defends the move. "They [the NCAA] are talking with Reuben and me," Anita Paige said. "They want to make sure there was nothing illegal done to get us down here, or anything like that. They want to make sure there wasn't a college booster involved... Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: McBaman on August 13, 2012, 02:13:59 PM Not holding my breath that anything will come of this. But then, this is the second investigation that's related to the Barn.
Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: Chechem on August 13, 2012, 02:17:13 PM Not holding my breath that anything will come of this. But then, this is FIFY :) Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: BAMADCHAMPSHIPS on August 13, 2012, 02:18:45 PM I doubt anything comes of it. >:(
Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: ricky023 on August 13, 2012, 02:37:10 PM Maybe not but cheating usually comes around to bite you. There is no perfect crime. What is done under dark will be brought to light. RTR!
Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: Chechem on August 13, 2012, 02:49:36 PM Maybe not but cheating usually comes around to bite you. There is no perfect crime. What is done under dark will be brought to light. RTR! Very prophetic. Maybe not for a Preacher, but pretty cool anyhow. #+ Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: bama87 on August 13, 2012, 02:51:30 PM I think the hooey may hit the fan. There are too many spokes on the wheel. Foster and Robinson, goodness knows how many others. You can't cheat these days without getting caught.
Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: XBAMA on August 13, 2012, 02:53:08 PM I doubt anything comes of it. >:( remember when cam's dad admitted shopping him :dunno: he was declared ineligible for what ? 14 seconds wasn't it ? yep ... the barn skates ... AGAIN ! Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: 2Stater on August 13, 2012, 03:04:18 PM I doubt anything comes of it. >:( remember when cam's dad admitted shopping him :dunno: he was declared ineligible for what ? 14 seconds wasn't it ? yep ... the barn skates ... AGAIN ! (http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2427/3850171945_9597662eb1_z.jpg) 8) Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: Chechem on August 13, 2012, 03:07:23 PM This thing is already 3 weeks old. The NCAA is deep into it. :popcorn2:
Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: XBAMA on August 13, 2012, 03:29:52 PM (http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2427/3850171945_9597662eb1_z.jpg) 8) that's my new name for them :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: cbbama99 on August 13, 2012, 03:32:21 PM What do you think are the chances that "roller barners" are calling in to Fbaum already convinced that this is all a "bammer conspiracy?" :eyeroll: :tinfoil:
Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: XBAMA on August 13, 2012, 03:33:13 PM HEAR YE .... HEAR YE ...
from now on it's "ROLLER BARN" not goat humpers , barners , boogs or booger eaters until they are busted .... Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: XBAMA on August 13, 2012, 03:37:10 PM What do you think are the chances that "roller barners" are calling in to Fbaum already convinced that this is all a "bammer conspiracy?" :eyeroll: :tinfoil: 850% ! Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: 2Stater on August 13, 2012, 03:50:36 PM Darned ole REC! >:(
Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: cbbama99 on August 13, 2012, 04:00:32 PM Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: 2Stater on August 13, 2012, 04:07:25 PM That's why J's my hero!!! :clap: Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 13, 2012, 05:07:05 PM That's why J's my hero!!! :clap: +1 I think the NCAA might be embarrassed about the Cam situation. They may leave no stone uncovered to try to find some evidence to bust them for something. If they find anything I'm sure they will nail their hide to the wall. The NCAA does not like Auburn any more than we do. It is all about evidence, and unfortunately the Roller Barn has gotten pretty good at covering their tracks. Their ability to continually get away with it is making a mockery of the NCAA. That is going to catch up to them some day. Remember about a year ago when Chizik had one of their top people backed in a corner at SEC media days trying to force her to say that the investigation into Cam was over? "The investigation is not over, and we will notify you when it is!" The NCAA is gunning for Auburn, and unless they are squeaky clean they will be headed for trouble. And we all know they are not squeaky clean. Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: 2Stater on August 13, 2012, 05:16:13 PM I fear the NCAA has lost its investigative skills. The PSU situation was a laydown because of other people's findings, and the NCAA pounced all over that, right or wrong. But to come to the conclusion that Auburn was found guilty of nothing during the $cam investigation just shows me that they don't have the right personnel for the job. That's why I see Auburn scurrying away again without anything punitive being dished out, either in the Robinson or the Foster situations.
Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: XBAMA on August 13, 2012, 05:26:34 PM I fear the NCAA has lost its investigative skills. The PSU situation was a laydown because of other people's findings, and the NCAA pounced all over that, right or wrong. But to come to the conclusion that Auburn was found guilty of nothing during the $cam investigation just shows me that they don't have the right personnel for the job. That's why I see Auburn scurrying away again without anything punitive being dished out, either in the Robinson or the Foster situations. HI OH ' ROLLER BARN AND AWAY !!!!!! :clap: +1 Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: XBAMA on August 13, 2012, 05:28:46 PM I forgot to add the part where they skate off into the sunset and
fart in our general direction .... :wall: Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 13, 2012, 05:31:47 PM I fear the NCAA has lost its investigative skills. The PSU situation was a laydown because of other people's findings, and the NCAA pounced all over that, right or wrong. But to come to the conclusion that Auburn was found guilty of nothing during the $cam investigation just shows me that they don't have the right personnel for the job. That's why I see Auburn scurrying away again without anything punitive being dished out, either in the Robinson or the Foster situations. You might be right about not having the right people to properly do the investigations. Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: Marshal Dillon on August 13, 2012, 05:41:32 PM I fear the NCAA has lost its investigative skills. The PSU situation was a laydown because of other people's findings, and the NCAA pounced all over that, right or wrong. But to come to the conclusion that Auburn was found guilty of nothing during the $cam investigation just shows me that they don't have the right personnel for the job. That's why I see Auburn scurrying away again without anything punitive being dished out, either in the Robinson or the Foster situations. The NCAA has limited investigation powers and rely more on the university to furnish them info. In the case of Auburn, they play dumb and deny everything, kinda like a Mafia family. You have to have evidence, not guesses. (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs11/i/2006/250/7/b/Join_The_Family_by_Italian_Mafia.jpg) (http://www.warblogle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/auburnfamily.jpg) Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: 2Stater on August 13, 2012, 05:45:09 PM I forgot to add the part where they skate off into the sunset and fart in our general direction .... :wall: :lol: You left out "after eating bean burritos". :lol: Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: Jamos on August 13, 2012, 05:54:46 PM I fear the NCAA has lost its investigative skills. The PSU situation was a laydown because of other people's findings, and the NCAA pounced all over that, right or wrong. But to come to the conclusion that Auburn was found guilty of nothing during the $cam investigation just shows me that they don't have the right personnel for the job. That's why I see Auburn scurrying away again without anything punitive being dished out, either in the Robinson or the Foster situations. You might be right about not having the right people to properly do the investigations. ^^^THIS^^^ I agree totally. I am somewhat thinking the NCAA might be thinking about this very same thing as well. The PSU issue has changed a lot of things for the NCAA especially as to how they will handle future issues. They hammered PSU pretty good and I don't think that will permit the NCAA to be as liberal as they were in the past id taking disciplinary action for rules breakers. I might be wrong on this, but already they have taken some action into investigating Auburn and it wasn't so long ago that it would have taken them months to move in on something. :dunno: Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: cbbama99 on August 13, 2012, 07:14:52 PM I fear the NCAA has lost its investigative skills. The PSU situation was a laydown because of other people's findings, and the NCAA pounced all over that, right or wrong. But to come to the conclusion that Auburn was found guilty of nothing during the $cam investigation just shows me that they don't have the right personnel for the job. That's why I see Auburn scurrying away again without anything punitive being dished out, either in the Robinson or the Foster situations. The NCAA has limited investigation powers and rely more on the university to furnish them info. In the case of Auburn, they play dumb and deny everything, kinda like a Mafia family. You have to have evidence, not guesses. (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs11/i/2006/250/7/b/Join_The_Family_by_Italian_Mafia.jpg) (http://www.warblogle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/auburnfamily.jpg) It is ironic that the Mafia and the barn both refer to "family." Of course, La Cosa Nostra knows how to SPELL family. Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: bama87 on August 13, 2012, 07:37:17 PM I saw a tweet where Ahsaa was doing the investigation not the NCAA. That worries me. I want those cheaters caught.
Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: SeniorTSM on August 14, 2012, 08:33:04 AM Yes it was not the NCAA. this goes to show that this poor kid and his family are well suited for the Barn.
They give an interview showing off their Barn Tattos and shouting that is is Bama fans bashing him and that the NCAA is investigating when its not even the NCAA it was the High School Association looking into his moving schools...SMH good luck Reuben :lol: Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: XBAMA on August 14, 2012, 08:08:21 PM a little help here guys ....
I was driving earlier when Eye on Roller Barn came on the radio the two dumbazz host of the show started to hammer the guy at the AJC that did the story on this ... according to the two dumbazz host the reporter at the AJC is telling lies , and it wasn't the NCAA but in fact the Alabama High School Association instead doing a routine follow up with a player that has transferred in to the state . just normal procedure according to the two host . which is not news , but correct me if I'm wrong here ... wasn't it Fosters Mom that told the AJC reporter it was the NCAA that wanted to talk to them ? she never mentioned the AHSA to the reporter but in fact told him it was THE NCAA ? they bashed the AJC guy pretty bad , he was a liar and many other things to hear them tell it ... is this what happened ? when in fact it's Fosters Mom that put the story out there to begin with to the ACJ reporter or am I wrong ? Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: 2Stater on August 14, 2012, 08:16:30 PM Mom prolly doesn't know the difference between the two.
Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: XBAMA on August 14, 2012, 08:35:44 PM Mom prolly doesn't know the difference between the two. yeah ... she can't be to smart to let her son play at the Roller Barn can she ? Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: 2Stater on August 14, 2012, 08:41:47 PM Mom prolly doesn't know the difference between the two. yeah ... she can't be to smart to let her son play at the Roller Barn can she ? You got that right! Title: Re: "Reuben Foster, NCAA Investigators To Meet After Auburn Flip" Post by: Chechem on August 16, 2012, 07:30:12 PM Reuben Foster was cleared by AHSAA to play at Aub High.
http://www.al.com/auburnfootball/index.ssf/2012/08/auburn_commit_reuben_foster_ha.html |