Title: great read about CNS- The Sabanization of college football Post by: bama87 on August 14, 2012, 11:50:48 AM great read on how CNS has built his teams and what it takes. Notice the reference to 2010 aubie game.
http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writers/andy_staples/08/14/sabanization-of-college-football/index.html Title: Re: great read about CNS- The Sabanization of college football Post by: 2Stater on August 14, 2012, 02:18:13 PM great read on how CNS has built his teams and what it takes. Notice the reference to 2010 aubie game. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writers/andy_staples/08/14/sabanization-of-college-football/index.html CNS is the new standard for college football excellence. Many are trying to emulate him and there's nothing wrong with that. Coach Bryant did a little emulating, himself, of Darrell Royal. with the wishbone. Title: Re: great read about CNS- The Sabanization of college football Post by: Marshal Dillon on August 14, 2012, 02:19:39 PM Excellent stuff. Very in-depth and good analysis.
:clap: Title: Re: great read about CNS- The Sabanization of college football Post by: hscoach on August 14, 2012, 06:15:18 PM Very good read. Many coaches can try, but sometimes there is one little part missing. I think CNS and staff push their players harder than other, plus they have competiton for positions unlike some programs.
Title: Re: great read about CNS- The Sabanization of college football Post by: Reelvalue on August 14, 2012, 08:43:13 PM Excellent read...Thank You for posting...
Title: Re: great read about CNS- The Sabanization of college football Post by: XBAMA on August 14, 2012, 09:21:44 PM great story #+
thanks for sharing it with us 87 8) Coach Saban goes as far to have players spiritual health in mind and makes sure their religious needs are met as well I have a friend that CNS gets to come talk to the team at times Pastor Brad Sullivan , and I can tell you from experience you will not leave Pastor Brad's company without feeling better about yourself , with a better understanding your duty as a man/woman and most importantly your Christianity . I will promise you this , you'll walk away with a jacked up positive outlook on life in general . believe it ! Coach Saban has the base's covered , all of them ! yes Sir ! we have the BEST and it's a great time to be a BAMA Fan , AGAIN ! (http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/33473_1502086427140_3954922_n.jpg) (http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/316320_2109713217430_960777_n.jpg) Title: Re: great read about CNS- The Sabanization of college football Post by: ricky023 on August 14, 2012, 09:39:07 PM Coach Saban is tyhe only man in history to me that could have turned this University into a winner and bring that back from the bottom of the bucket like he did. RTR!
Title: Re: great read about CNS- The Sabanization of college football Post by: bama87 on August 14, 2012, 10:16:01 PM I have read CNS's book several times and I get something out of it each time. The process is no joke. How good do you want to be is really true.