Title: SIAP: Artur Davis to address RNC Post by: cbbama99 on August 16, 2012, 12:34:18 PM If only all of Obama's supporters from four years ago could see the truth like Artur has:
Quote The talk and inspiration moved so many of us four years ago, but unfortunately we haven't seen the action to back it up. We were promised jobs and we got job-killing mandates and regulations. We were promised a fiscally responsible government, and we got trillion dollar deficits, debt that has never been seen, and small business burdened with new taxes and threatened with more taxes. http://blog.al.com/sweethome/2012/08/former_birmingham_democrat_art.html#incart_river_default Title: Re: SIAP: Artur Davis to address RNC Post by: ricky023 on August 17, 2012, 03:08:04 PM How can anybody vote for a man who has so much HATE for the people of this country? He has threatened our own soldiers who die everyday that we might live free. His VP is so dumb he makes me look intelligent. Hilliary won't take the VP ticket next year. This man has the office of America, our very lives in his hands and he has torn us so down we may never recover. God, please Bless America. RTR!