Title: "Crimson Tide's newest leader D.J. Fluker a 'big ball of energy' " Post by: Chechem on August 18, 2012, 06:09:25 AM http://www.al.com/alabamafootball/index.ssf/2012/08/crimson_tides_newest_leader_dj.html
Quote Moments before D.J. Fluker arrived for his series of post-practice interviews Thursday, Alabama coach Nick Saban called the massive right tackle one of the most physical players he had ever coached. The compliment, long after it had darted through cyberspace, was eventually relayed to Fluker. He deflected the praise with a cheek-to-cheek smile and hearty laughter, but he didn’t completely dismiss how far he’d come since his freshman year. “I wouldn’t say I’m the most physical,” Fluker said, “but I get down with it.” Fluker has always been hard to miss, but he’s made it even tougher heading into his redshirt junior season thanks to a new addition to his skill set: a bellowing voice that echoes through the helmets of his surrounding teammates.... |