Title: "Nick Saban believes Bama has players for more big plays through air in 2012" Post by: Chechem on August 23, 2012, 07:09:48 PM http://espn.go.com/colleges/alabama/story/_/id/8292680/alabama-crimson-tide-coach-nick-saban-wants-more-big-plays
Quote If the ends always justified the means, coach Nick Saban would never be labeled a conservative on offense. His offenses would never be called vanilla, predictable or cautious. If the results were all that counted, the accusations wouldn't matter. The Crimson Tide's BCS national championship trophies would be enough. But they're not, not even to the coach himself. He isn't satisfied with what he calls a lack of explosive plays at Alabama. He wants a return to his days at LSU, where his offenses featured more playmakers. Rohan Davey threw for more than 3,300 yards in 2001. No quarterback has broken the 3,000-yard mark in Alabama's history... Title: Re: "Nick Saban believes Bama has players for more big plays through air in 2012" Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 23, 2012, 07:26:30 PM 3,000 yards passing would be fun to watch, so long as we still can cram the ball down their throats with the run whenever we want.
Title: Re: "Nick Saban believes Bama has players for more big plays through air in 2012" Post by: ricky023 on August 23, 2012, 09:04:25 PM Hey now we talking. I would love to see our WR's catching for big yardage then our RB's could tear up the turf. I have not seen a complete team since, actually can't remember. RTR!
Title: Re: "Nick Saban believes Bama has players for more big plays through air in 2012" Post by: Old Tider on August 23, 2012, 09:59:02 PM Should coach be telling the enemy about our new explosive power?
Title: Re: "Nick Saban believes Bama has players for more big plays through air in 2012" Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 23, 2012, 10:05:56 PM Should coach be telling the enemy about our new explosive power? It won't matter. He is toying with them, like a cat with a mouse. Title: Re: "Nick Saban believes Bama has players for more big plays through air in 2012" Post by: #1Tidefan on August 24, 2012, 12:00:01 AM I believe we're gonna see many wrinkles this season. The Arial attack is in play!
RTRx2 Title: Re: "Nick Saban believes Bama has players for more big plays through air in 2012" Post by: rueben on August 24, 2012, 07:33:46 AM Should coach be telling the enemy about our new explosive power? He is not telling them anything they don't already know. |