Title: Nick Saban responds to Steve Spurrier’s dig – four months later Post by: 2Stater on August 25, 2012, 07:45:03 AM http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/nick-saban-responds-steve-spurrier-dig-four-months-194028694--ncaaf.html
As was applauded in another thread. Here is Spurrier's quip: Quote "He's got a nice little gig going, a little bit like [Kentucky basketball coach John] Calipari," Spurrier told ESPN.com of Saban. "He tells guys, 'Hey, three years from now, you're going to be a first-round pick and go.' If he wants to be the greatest coach or one of the greatest coaches in college football, to me, he has to go somewhere besides Alabama and win, because they've always won there at Alabama." Our beloved head coach's response on the Dan Patrick Show: Quote "LSU wasn't winning when I went there. Michigan State wasn't winning when I went there. Toledo wasn't winning when I went there. And Alabama really wasn't winning when I came here. I guess I gotta go someplace else. I don't know. You gotta love it! #+ Title: Re: Nick Saban responds to Steve Spurrier’s dig – four months later Post by: XBAMA on August 25, 2012, 09:10:52 AM I was sort of thinking Darth Visor was an idiot and past his prime
now I am certain of it ... Title: Re: Nick Saban responds to Steve Spurrier’s dig – four months later Post by: ricky023 on August 25, 2012, 11:54:47 AM Hey CNS you ain't gotta go anywhere. We love here at Alabama when Spurrier cries. RTR!