Title: CBS Sports: "Keys to the Game: No. 1 Alabama at Arkansas" Post by: Chechem on September 13, 2012, 05:37:28 AM http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/blog/eye-on-college-football/20169446/keys-to-the-game-no-1-alabama-at-arkansas
Quote ALABAMA WILL WIN IF: they don't implode. If AJ McCarron doesn't suddenly throw a flurry of picks, if the Tide don't allow Dennis Johnson to return multiple kickoffs for scores, if Robert Lester and Vinnie Sunseri can avoid running into each other Keystone Cops-style to allow a long Arkansas touchdown pass -- like, three times -- Alabama's going to win the game. Perhaps we shouldn't be so dismissive. This is the same Razorback team that was ranked No. 8 in the country at this time last week, now wounded and angry, playing at home with a chance to redeem their already rapidly decaying season, with one of the best running backs in the nation and -- potentially -- one of the best quarterbacks in the nation running the show... Title: Re: CBS Sports: "Keys to the Game: No. 1 Alabama at Arkansas" Post by: Catch Prothro on September 13, 2012, 09:08:27 AM http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/blog/eye-on-college-football/20169446/keys-to-the-game-no-1-alabama-at-arkansas That pretty much sums it up.Quote ALABAMA WILL WIN IF: they don't implode. If AJ McCarron doesn't suddenly throw a flurry of picks, if the Tide don't allow Dennis Johnson to return multiple kickoffs for scores, if Robert Lester and Vinnie Sunseri can avoid running into each other Keystone Cops-style to allow a long Arkansas touchdown pass -- like, three times -- Alabama's going to win the game. Perhaps we shouldn't be so dismissive. This is the same Razorback team that was ranked No. 8 in the country at this time last week, now wounded and angry, playing at home with a chance to redeem their already rapidly decaying season, with one of the best running backs in the nation and -- potentially -- one of the best quarterbacks in the nation running the show... |