Title: "Not all is lost for Razorbacks this season – except, perhaps, their faith" Post by: Chechem on September 14, 2012, 05:27:58 AM http://sports.yahoo.com/news/ncaaf--not-all-is-lost-for-razorbacks-this-season--ndash--except--perhaps--their-faith-.html
Quote It was April Fool's Day, so in hindsight maybe Arkansas fans should've known to keep their breath held, fingers crossed and perhaps offered up a couple extra prayers at that morning's Sunday service. The football program that has the potential and passion to compete for national titles, yet never seems to quite get it altogether at once, was, at last, staring realistically at the top. The Hogs returned a top-10 – maybe top-five – team for the 2012 season. It had an innovative winner in coach Bobby Petrino. Recruiting was pretty strong as Petrino found the right players for his system. And Arkansas would play both Alabama and LSU at home. The upcoming season was the most highly anticipated in years. The Razorbacks looked capable of their best campaign in what, two or three decades? Maybe even dating back to the Frank Broyles days of the late 1960s? Then on April 1, Petrino fired up his Harley. Jessica Dorrell, his mistress and recently hired football staff member, climbed on back... |