Title: Coach Has Only $500 in Bank-Incredible Story Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 20, 2012, 10:15:59 AM This guy is an inept idiot.
http://msn.foxsports.com/collegefootball/story/arkansas-coach-john-l-smith-owes-25-million-092012 Title: Re: Coach Has Only $500 in Bank-Incredible Story Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 20, 2012, 10:38:04 AM Quote Smith has a one-year, $850,000 contract with Arkansas. Wednesday's filing shows Smith has average monthly expenses of $27,620 against a gross income of $19,856 per month. After tax withholdings, payroll deductions, Social Security and retirement savings, he takes home $9,277. :duh: I am pretty sure that a gross income of $19,856 per month is not even close to $850,000 over 10 months. I think I see where his problem lies. Title: Re: Coach Has Only $500 in Bank-Incredible Story Post by: LSJBama on September 20, 2012, 10:41:10 AM But he's got his chin up....SMILE...SMILE....HES'S SMILING.... :lol:
Title: Re: Coach Has Only $500 in Bank-Incredible Story Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 20, 2012, 10:58:59 AM But he's got his chin up....SMILE...SMILE....HES'S SMILING.... :lol: Exactly! This guy is one of those guys who is a walking screw up, but is always smiling like a hyena without a care in the world. Quote On Monday, Smith opened his weekly news conference by telling reporters to "Smile! Smile! Or I'm not talking. (http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3617/3595722012_5575052c15_z.jpg?zz=1) Title: Re: Coach Has Only $500 in Bank-Incredible Story Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 20, 2012, 11:17:51 AM Quote Smith has a one-year, $850,000 contract with Arkansas. Wednesday's filing shows Smith has average monthly expenses of $27,620 against a gross income of $19,856 per month. After tax withholdings, payroll deductions, Social Security and retirement savings, he takes home $9,277. :duh: I am pretty sure that a gross income of $19,856 per month is not even close to $850,000 over 10 months. I think I see where his problem lies. I actually find more fault with the banks. How does a guy making $1.2 million a year get $25 million in loans? No wonder the country's finances are going to crap when the bankers can't do simple math. Title: Re: Coach Has Only $500 in Bank-Incredible Story Post by: BAMAWV on September 20, 2012, 04:36:41 PM Quote Smith has a one-year, $850,000 contract with Arkansas. Wednesday's filing shows Smith has average monthly expenses of $27,620 against a gross income of $19,856 per month. After tax withholdings, payroll deductions, Social Security and retirement savings, he takes home $9,277. :duh: I am pretty sure that a gross income of $19,856 per month is not even close to $850,000 over 10 months. I think I see where his problem lies. I actually find more fault with the banks. How does a guy making $1.2 million a year get $25 million in loans? No wonder the country's finances are going to crap when the bankers can;t do simple math. |