Title: "AJ McCarron has a big impact beyond the field" Post by: Chechem on September 22, 2012, 05:13:58 AM http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1412449
Quote To more than 100,000 fans at Bryant-Denny Stadium, AJ McCarron is the University of Alabama's quarterback. But to a group of firefighters in Mobile, he's more like an adopted son. To NASCAR driver Kurt Busch, McCarron's a fan himself. And to shoe stores, he's a great customer. The junior from Mobile has become one of the college football's most recognizable figures as the signal-caller for the defending national champions. But to those closer to him, he's a lot more than a quarterback. To Starla Chapman, he's a hero. Last Christmas Eve, just a couple of weeks before he led a 21-0 win over LSU in the BCS Championship game, McCarron met Chapman at Mobile's USA Children's and Women's Hospital. He brought the 3-year-old Leukemia patient some Christmas gifts, but McCarron said he took more from the meeting than she did. "Her parents always say I was a blessing going into her life, but I think it's reversed, really," McCarron said. Starla gave McCarron one of her support bracelets the night they met, and he wears it on a regular basis. He delivered on a promise to wear it during the BCS title game against LSU, and the tie-dye colored bracelet was on his wrist this week after Tuesday's practice.... Title: Re: "AJ McCarron has a big impact beyond the field" Post by: 2Stater on September 22, 2012, 07:05:23 AM http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1412449 Quote To more than 100,000 fans at Bryant-Denny Stadium, AJ McCarron is the University of Alabama's quarterback. But to a group of firefighters in Mobile, he's more like an adopted son. To NASCAR driver Kurt Busch, McCarron's a fan himself. And to shoe stores, he's a great customer. The junior from Mobile has become one of the college football's most recognizable figures as the signal-caller for the defending national champions. But to those closer to him, he's a lot more than a quarterback. To Starla Chapman, he's a hero. Last Christmas Eve, just a couple of weeks before he led a 21-0 win over LSU in the BCS Championship game, McCarron met Chapman at Mobile's USA Children's and Women's Hospital. He brought the 3-year-old Leukemia patient some Christmas gifts, but McCarron said he took more from the meeting than she did. "Her parents always say I was a blessing going into her life, but I think it's reversed, really," McCarron said. Starla gave McCarron one of her support bracelets the night they met, and he wears it on a regular basis. He delivered on a promise to wear it during the BCS title game against LSU, and the tie-dye colored bracelet was on his wrist this week after Tuesday's practice.... I guess nobody's perfect. |