Title: Another Black Eye for the Big Ten-Good Article Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 23, 2012, 08:40:35 PM Very good article about the decline of the Big Ten.
Quote The end of the nonconference schedule couldn’t have come soon enough for Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany. Already ridiculed throughout the first three weeks of the 2012 season, the Big Ten hit rock bottom on Saturday. The worst of it was Iowa choking away a game to Central Michigan, Michigan blundering its way to a loss at Notre Dame and Illinois getting blown out at home by Louisiana Tech http://www.lostlettermen.com/week-4-recap-another-black-eye-for-b1g/ :lol2: Title: Re: Another Black Eye for the Big Ten-Good Article Post by: ALTideUp on September 23, 2012, 08:51:47 PM Very good article about the decline of the Big Ten. Quote The end of the nonconference schedule couldn’t have come soon enough for Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany. Already ridiculed throughout the first three weeks of the 2012 season, the Big Ten hit rock bottom on Saturday. The worst of it was Iowa choking away a game to Central Michigan, Michigan blundering its way to a loss at Notre Dame and Illinois getting blown out at home by Louisiana Tech http://www.lostlettermen.com/week-4-recap-another-black-eye-for-b1g/ :lol2: Oh, yeah. The Big Ten. My dad tells me stories about when they were a pretty good football conference. Dad's in his 80s now. Title: Re: Another Black Eye for the Big Ten-Good Article Post by: 2Stater on September 24, 2012, 07:04:54 AM Very good article about the decline of the Big Ten. Quote The end of the nonconference schedule couldn’t have come soon enough for Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany. Already ridiculed throughout the first three weeks of the 2012 season, the Big Ten hit rock bottom on Saturday. The worst of it was Iowa choking away a game to Central Michigan, Michigan blundering its way to a loss at Notre Dame and Illinois getting blown out at home by Louisiana Tech http://www.lostlettermen.com/week-4-recap-another-black-eye-for-b1g/ :lol2: Oh, yeah. The Big Ten. My dad tells me stories about when they were a pretty good football conference. Dad's in his 80s now. :lol: |