Title: Cecil Hurt: Offense shines in Tide's first scrimmage Post by: pmull on April 02, 2011, 04:56:09 PM In a reversal of usual pattern, University of Alabama football coach Nick Saban said the University of Alabama offense showed more positives than the defense in the year's first scrimmage at Bryant-Denny Stadium on Saturday.
"I was really pleased with the quarterback play," Saban said. "They managed the game well, their leadership was good and we moved the ball. Eddie (Lacy) and Trent (Richardson) both had some big plays in the running game. "I thought the defense played well at times, but one glaring thing was that we didn't tackle well. We need to work on that, and in getting to the football so we are in position to help the tackler. http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1207379 Title: Re: Cecil Hurt: Offense shines in Tide's first scrimmage Post by: ricky023 on April 03, 2011, 09:24:15 AM The first scrimmage sounds like it should. Still some questions and some answers. Our offense being better than defense at this time is wonderful. If we have that nationally talented defense and they powerhouse offense we should be a great team. Great job guys keep working hard. RTR!