Title: It's Meltdown Time! | Week Five Post by: pmull on October 02, 2012, 09:47:37 AM This weekend didn't bring a lot of quality material, but Tennessee melted down like champions, so enjoy. Fair warning, what follows below is vulgar and in terrible taste, so if you are in any way offended by bad language, sexual innuendo, and just plain disgusting internet behavior, do not open the link.
This week's revel in the misery of rival fanbases includes meltdowns from Ole Miss, Arkansas,Tennessee, Oklahoma State, and Michigan State. http://www.rollbamaroll.com/2012/10/2/3440680/its-meltdown-time-week-five Title: Re: It's Meltdown Time! | Week Five Post by: Catch Prothro on October 02, 2012, 10:04:14 AM Arky is getting a lot of practice.
Quote This team will be the stuff of legends, it so bad, someone is going to start writing country western songs about them. Quote New uniforms are great. They turn pink when wet Title: Re: It's Meltdown Time! | Week Five Post by: 2Stater on October 02, 2012, 05:18:42 PM ARKY
Quote Being an Arkansas fan this season is like skydiving with a faulty parachute. It started off different and fun, look how much fun this is! Then you pulled the cord and nothing happened. So now you're just in free fall, with a billion miles until you hit the ground, and all along there are flying tigers and chickens and dogs and agriculturalists and red algae in the air around you, laughing at you and your stupid rubber pig nose." 10RC Quote At least Fulmer only got blown out by Florida and Bama. Dooley has made us the mexican cantina donkey show of the SEC. Not a lot of good ones, but these 2 made me chuckle. Title: Re: It's Meltdown Time! | Week Five Post by: Marshal Dillon on October 02, 2012, 07:24:54 PM This is always a fun thread to read. I thought I would include some Auburn misery, mainly about the upcoming Arkansas game. I am impressed with their loyalty.
Quote Just got 3 lower level tickets for $10.00 apiece should have waited till kickoff. I might have gotten a free one with my game day program lol... What will the crowd be like on Saturday? Im saying 75,000 to maybe 80,000 tops. Auburn 1-3 vs Arky 1-4 an its a early game will keep a few people away. Quote You definitely paid too much. One of our crew entered the stadium with an extra against LSU that she was unable to give away in front of the stadium. Quote There'll be freebies a-plenty at the stadium before the game. Quote Stubhub had a pair for the new mexico state game for $12 a piece. Section 39 I believe Quote I need 3 if anyone feels like getting rid of theirs before the game ... I'll pay for shipping. Quote Yes somebody sold $240 dollars worth of tickets for $30. Remember those threads about a lack of ticket sales and more importantly a lack of season ticket sales. http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=6&f=1010&t=9429868 :lol2: |