Title: BR: Alabama Football: Last Year's Strengths and Weaknesses Versus This Year's Post by: pmull on April 06, 2011, 07:42:08 AM Larry Burton (Syndicated Writer) This time last year the big questions were the defensive backfield and whether the linebacker corp could survive without Rolando McClain and a rehabbing Dont'a Hightower.
The offense was supposed to go off without a snag. So comparing this year's Alabama squad's strengths and weaknesses to last year's team, do we see a good year or bad year? http://bleacherreport.com/articles/655043-alabama-football-last-years-strengths-and-weaknesses-versus-this-years Title: Re: BR: Alabama Football: Last Year's Strengths and Weaknesses Versus This Year's Post by: ricky023 on April 06, 2011, 11:29:09 AM OK all the great ones are history. We need to leave them there and understand our players now need us to support them like we did others in the past. We are going to be a "GREAT" football team this year. RTR!