Title: NYT- Poisoned Trees Bring Truce to a Civil War in Alabama Football. Post by: ssmith general on March 03, 2011, 07:18:07 PM "The attempted killing of two trees that are occasionally draped with toilet paper might have been considered a blip on the police blotter.
But when those two 130-year-old live oaks shade an intersection known as Toomer’s Corner in Auburn, Ala. — considered sacred ground among the Auburn University faithful — and are poisoned, apparently in the name of the University of Alabama football icon Bear Bryant, the normal order of business is upended." Link (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/04/sports/ncaafootball/04auburn.html?src=tptw) :o ::) Title: Re: NYT- Poisoned Trees Bring Truce to a Civil War in Alabama Football. Post by: Chechem on March 03, 2011, 07:23:58 PM Boy, the NY Times knows how to tell a story. But should it take them weeks to publish it? Thanks for posting. I'm tree tiring. Title: Re: NYT- Poisoned Trees Bring Truce to a Civil War in Alabama Football. Post by: ssmith general on March 03, 2011, 07:26:20 PM Boy, the NY Times knows how to tell a story. But should it take them weeks to publish it? Thanks for posting. I'm tree tiring. I think the trees are fine. Title: Re: NYT- Poisoned Trees Bring Truce to a Civil War in Alabama Football. Post by: Chechem on March 03, 2011, 07:27:36 PM Boy, the NY Times knows how to tell a story. But should it take them weeks to publish it? Thanks for posting. I'm tree tiring. I think the trees are firewood. Title: Re: NYT- Poisoned Trees Bring Truce to a Civil War in Alabama Football. Post by: BAMAWV on March 03, 2011, 07:32:24 PM The Toilet Trees are dead to me.
Title: Re: NYT- Poisoned Trees Bring Truce to a Civil War in Alabama Football. Post by: MLB10 on March 03, 2011, 07:34:34 PM The tree debacle made all the ag types at Auburn look like idiots. First the trees are fine, then they are dying, then they are fine. They had to ask the real experts at MSU to even know what was going on. I'm especially sick about the stupid "Tide for Toomer's" crap. They should give that money to Nick's kids or say "my bad, we meant Tide for Tumors" and donate it all to St. Jude. Bama fans pandering to Auburn fans is RIDICULOUS.
Title: Re: NYT- Poisoned Trees Bring Truce to a Civil War in Alabama Football. Post by: BAMAWV on March 03, 2011, 07:41:15 PM The tree debacle made all the ag types at Auburn look like idiots. First the trees are fine, then they are dying, then they are fine. They had to ask the real experts at MSU to even know what was going on. I'm especially sick about the stupid "Tide for Toomer's" crap. They should give that money to Nick's kids or say "my bad, we meant Tide for Tumors" and donate it all to St. Jude. Bama fans pandering to Auburn fans is RIDICULOUS. ;DTitle: Re: NYT- Poisoned Trees Bring Truce to a Civil War in Alabama Football. Post by: ricky023 on March 03, 2011, 10:36:46 PM I can't believe someone so foolish would kill something just because kids hang toilet paper in it. I sure hope nobody ever poisons my comode because I put toilet paper in it. RTR!