Title: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: ALTideUp on November 01, 2012, 02:13:20 PM There it is.
Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: pmull on November 01, 2012, 02:19:28 PM Quote Judy Bonner was named permanent president of the University of Alabama at a specially held meeting of the UA Board of Trustees today at the Bryant Conference Center, making her the first woman to hold the post on a permanent basis. Bonner was named interim president in March after Robert Witt, who had been president of the Tuscaloosa campus since 2003, was named chancellor. She served in that role until the board hired Guy Bailey on July 11. Bonner has served in some capacity at UA since 1981, where she began as an associate professor and head of the department of human nutrition and hospitality management. Following that position, she served as special assistant to the president and assistant academic vice president. From 1989 to 2003, she was dean of the College of Human Environmental Sciences, followed by three years as provost and vice president for academic affairs. She has been provost and executive vice president since April 1, 2006. http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/article/20121101/NEWS/121109997/1007?Title=Bonner-named-next-president-of-UA (http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=TL&Date=20121101&Category=NEWS&ArtNo=121109997&Ref=AR&Profile=1007&MaxW=445&border=0) Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: bamalum67 on November 01, 2012, 02:40:07 PM Big Mistake..wait and see.
You heard it here first..I WILL say I told you so. Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: BAMADCHAMPSHIPS on November 01, 2012, 02:44:39 PM Big Mistake..wait and see. You heard it here first..I WILL say I told you so. Why do you say this? Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 01, 2012, 03:41:19 PM Big Mistake..wait and see. You heard it here first..I WILL say I told you so. I agree. This choice is sending out a lot of red flares to me. If she is so blamed good, why didn't they pick her sooner? Then, they suddenly decide she's a great choice in less than a week of Bailey announcing his resignation. Plus, this sounds like an interim pick, kinda like Mike Shula. This smells to high heaven :duh: Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: XBAMA on November 01, 2012, 04:34:35 PM (http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Food/eating-popcorn-03.gif)(http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Food/eating-popcorn-03.gif)(http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Food/eating-popcorn-03.gif)
this is not the only place I have read this :dunno: staying tuned :unsure: Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: McBaman on November 01, 2012, 07:41:45 PM Wouldn't Dr. Witt have had to sign off on this decision? If not officially then at least consented to the Board's decision??
Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: pmull on November 01, 2012, 09:05:11 PM Wouldn't Dr. Witt have had to sign off on this decision? If not officially then at least consented to the Board's decision?? Dr. Whitt and the BOT must have been pleased with the job she did on the interum basis. Although President Bailey resigned yesterday I am willing to bet Dr. Whitt and the BOT has several days notice or more the resignation was coming. I doubt the decision to name Dr. Bonner President was an overnight knee jerk reaction. Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: bamalum67 on November 02, 2012, 05:53:21 PM Does the term "alternative lifestyle" ring a bell?
just sayin' Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: XBAMA on November 02, 2012, 08:33:45 PM question ?
we have a Congressman down here named Jo Bonner, isn't this his sister ? :dunno: Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: Merk on November 02, 2012, 08:38:06 PM Interesting. For those of you in the know, do you see any issues with her and CNS down the road? My thought if there were issues between the two, she would be the first to go.
Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 02, 2012, 08:40:20 PM Does the term "alternative lifestyle" ring a bell? just sayin' You mean she prefers sewing and knitting over hunting & fishing? ??? Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: Jamos on November 02, 2012, 08:45:15 PM As Dr Witt told us, he may have taken another job but he is still very much involved with the Bama. He worked too hard to get the University to where it is today and she was working along side of him during this time and I just don't see him letting anyone destroy all of his accomplishments during his term here.
He had to sign off on her hiring and I trust his decision.JMHO Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: XBAMA on November 02, 2012, 08:49:19 PM Does the term "alternative lifestyle" ring a bell? just sayin' You mean she prefers sewing and knitting over hunting & fishing? ??? what's the over/under she goes on a hunting trip this winter ? :lol: :lol: :lol: Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: bamalum67 on November 03, 2012, 06:04:37 AM Ya'll all crazy.
Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: BamaPHD on November 03, 2012, 07:12:10 PM Does the term "alternative lifestyle" ring a bell? just sayin' And that effects her ability to be president how? Are gay people less intelligent? Are they less honest? This is a lifer at the u8niversity, who no doubt had the ability to leave through the years and never did. Witt was obviously impressed by her or would have never signed off. Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 05, 2012, 05:11:58 PM Does the term "alternative lifestyle" ring a bell? just sayin' And that effects her ability to be president how? Are gay people less intelligent? Are they less honest? This is a lifer at the u8niversity, who no doubt had the ability to leave through the years and never did. Witt was obviously impressed by her or would have never signed off. You are aware the University of Alabama in located in..........the State of Alabama. This state is HUGELY against gay marriage and the gay "agenda." If she keeps her private life private, fine, but the second she starts espousing liberal, touchy-feely attitudes about gay issues, the need for gay studies at the university, gay pride, the need for tolerance, etc., and other overly liberal ideas, then she will be a dead duck. Like I said, this is Alabama, not California, thank God. :popcorn2: Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: bamalum67 on November 05, 2012, 05:49:11 PM Bamaphd:
you one of them dope smoking phd's over at the chemistry dept,like a an old HS classmate of mine named?......nah, I won't say. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck....... Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: ALTideUp on November 05, 2012, 07:19:51 PM Does the term "alternative lifestyle" ring a bell? just sayin' And that effects her ability to be president how? Are gay people less intelligent? Are they less honest? This is a lifer at the u8niversity, who no doubt had the ability to leave through the years and never did. Witt was obviously impressed by her or would have never signed off. You are aware the University of Alabama in located in..........the State of Alabama. This state is HUGELY against gay marriage and the gay "agenda." If she keeps her private life private, fine, but the second she starts espousing liberal, touchy-feely attitudes about gay issues, the need for gay studies at the university, gay pride, the need for tolerance, etc., and other overly liberal ideas, then she will be a dead duck. Like I said, this is Alabama, not California, thank God. :popcorn2: Jeepers. I sure hope she is not tolerant. That'd be awful. Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 05, 2012, 07:29:11 PM Does the term "alternative lifestyle" ring a bell? just sayin' And that effects her ability to be president how? Are gay people less intelligent? Are they less honest? This is a lifer at the u8niversity, who no doubt had the ability to leave through the years and never did. Witt was obviously impressed by her or would have never signed off. You are aware the University of Alabama in located in..........the State of Alabama. This state is HUGELY against gay marriage and the gay "agenda." If she keeps her private life private, fine, but the second she starts espousing liberal, touchy-feely attitudes about gay issues, the need for gay studies at the university, gay pride, the need for tolerance, etc., and other overly liberal ideas, then she will be a dead duck. Like I said, this is Alabama, not California, thank God. :popcorn2: Jeepers. I sure hope she is not tolerant. That'd be awful. Tolerance is a code word for speech codes on universities in which you state something negative about gays (such as you don't believe in gay marriage), then you can be suspended or expelled. You might want to read up on the subject. It is very prevalent up North and several universities have been slapped down by federal judges for violations of free speech. You don't have a problem with free speech, do you? Remember, in liberalism you call something innocuous, a word like tolerance, which all folks are for in general terms, but you use it as a club against people for their political or religious beliefs. "Tolerance" is not limited to the gay agenda, it is used for different liberal items. :D Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: SeniorTSM on November 06, 2012, 07:14:15 AM I blame her for Bamas D poor play against LSU. :D
Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: pmull on November 06, 2012, 08:37:06 AM I blame her for Bamas D poor play against LSU. :D You may be right. I know our DB's tackled like a bunch of girls. Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 06, 2012, 08:52:39 AM I blame her for Bamas D poor play against LSU. :D You may be right. I know our DB's tackled like a bunch of girls. You need to be more tolerant towards our DB's and their tackling. ;) Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: Catch Prothro on November 06, 2012, 10:00:17 AM And here I was hoping to avoid politics today. :'(
Title: Re: Dr. Judy Bonner Named President of UA Post by: BAMAWV on November 06, 2012, 12:41:48 PM I blame her for Bamas D poor play against LSU. :D You may be right. I know our DB's tackled like a bunch of girls. You need to be more tolerant towards our DB's and their tackling. ;) |