Title: Alabama football: Crimson Tide to host second scrimmage at Bryant-Denny Post by: pmull on April 09, 2011, 07:28:58 AM TUSCALOOSA -- Nick Saban wants his defense to sharpen its teeth and bite hard.
He wants his tacklers to hook onto ball carriers and drive them into the ground. He wants the defensive front to win its battles. Generally, Alabama's coach wants to see consistency in everything from toughness to tenacity. The Crimson Tide's next test comes today at Bryant-Denny Stadium in the second of three spring scrimmages, which is closed to the public. "We all know that there's going to be practice on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday," Saban said. "So they should look forward to those days with a positive energy and attitude about what they want to accomplish individually and collectively ... to improve and get the most out of every drill." http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/04/alabama_spring_football_crimso.html Title: Re: Alabama football: Crimson Tide to host second scrimmage at Bryant-Denny Post by: ricky023 on April 09, 2011, 10:02:59 AM Sounds to me CNS is still using each little thing he can find to motivate folks. RTR!