Title: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 11, 2011, 10:41:15 AM I remember this guy. He had a solid freshman year on the OL, but has been injured ever since. Man, what a shame for this guy.
http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/04/10/heartbreak-v3-0-uga-lineman-suffers-another-acl-tear/related Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: ricky023 on April 11, 2011, 07:53:29 PM Yes I remember him he has had a bad time ever since his Fresh. year. He was supposed to be big time going to the NFL and all of a sudden the old injury bug keeps hitting him. I do wish him the very best. I hope he heals. God Bless! RTR!
Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: BAMAWV on April 13, 2011, 05:25:56 AM Take him out back and shoot him?
Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: ssmith general on April 13, 2011, 05:27:41 AM Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: BAMAWV on April 13, 2011, 05:33:52 AM ^ His family will be consoled by his serving a purpose in life.
(http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSOqw-H_aauJC9LRd435YAnOXyHOWCwChQ2tW21VPQGq_1xSaEHZQ) Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: Chechem on April 13, 2011, 05:34:10 AM retire to stud Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: BAMAWV on April 13, 2011, 05:36:09 AM retire to stud Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: ssmith general on April 13, 2011, 05:38:47 AM retire to stud I'll do it. Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: Chechem on April 13, 2011, 06:13:27 AM retire to stud I'll do it. (deep, shaky voice) "I recommend it." Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: ssmith general on April 13, 2011, 06:14:18 AM retire to stud I'll do it. (deep, shaky voice) "I recommend it." #+ LoL Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 13, 2011, 08:15:23 AM :lol:
#+ Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: 2Stater on April 13, 2011, 09:06:21 AM (http://www.isigndesigner.com/images/signimage.php?mode=accentsignsgraphics&resolution=High&designsize=4&imagelayers=1&textlayers=5&borderon=1&bordercolor=000000&background=FFFFFF&scale1=100&imageoffsetx1=0&imageoffsety1=0&imageplace1=BottomRight&clipartdir1=&uploadfile1=Horse__Tractor_342367.jpg&line1=SMITH&font1=Worcester_Bold.ttf&size1=28&color1=000000&textplace1=TopCenter&textoffsetx1=0&textoffsety1=0&line2=LAND+and+STUD+SERVICES&font2=Worcester_Bold.ttf&size2=20&color2=000000&textplace2=TopCenter&textoffsetx2=0&textoffsety2=42)
Am I going to have to change everything? Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: ricky023 on April 13, 2011, 10:13:36 AM Ya'll have something everywhere to talk about. RTR!
Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 13, 2011, 10:27:38 AM Ya'll have something everywhere to talk about. RTR! Indeed, there are all kinds of topics on here now. I struggle just to read them all and make sure there isn't anything that needs to be deleted. We have so much activity now that I don't feel like I have to respond to all of them any more like I used to. There are plenty of other people who are posting some pretty detailed responses, so I've just started skipping the short acknowledgement posts that I used to do. They didn't really add much when I was doing it, I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that people were reading it and they weren't just talking to an empty room. I don't think I have to worry about that any more. :D Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: ricky023 on April 13, 2011, 10:44:38 AM LOL, no SUPERCOACH especially when you got a preacher around. An Alabama fan preacher to boot, lol. I am going to say something if it's nothing, oppsss. This is fun reading all thses posts huh. RTR!
Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: Chechem on April 13, 2011, 10:51:26 AM (http://www.isigndesigner.com/images/signimage.php?mode=accentsignsgraphics&resolution=High&designsize=4&imagelayers=1&textlayers=5&borderon=1&bordercolor=000000&background=FFFFFF&scale1=100&imageoffsetx1=0&imageoffsety1=0&imageplace1=BottomRight&clipartdir1=&uploadfile1=Horse__Tractor_342367.jpg&line1=SMITH&font1=Worcester_Bold.ttf&size1=28&color1=000000&textplace1=TopCenter&textoffsetx1=0&textoffsety1=0&line2=LAND+and+STUD+SERVICES&font2=Worcester_Bold.ttf&size2=20&color2=000000&textplace2=TopCenter&textoffsetx2=0&textoffsety2=42) Am I going to have to change everything? #+ Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 13, 2011, 11:12:52 AM LOL, no SUPERCOACH especially when you got a preacher around. An Alabama fan preacher to boot, lol. I am going to say something if it's nothing, oppsss. This is fun reading all thses posts huh. RTR! I think he's saying he used to do that to keep things flowing since this was a brand new site, but he's backing off since we have become established and no longer need to make mundane responses to every subject. The site flows on its own, now and doesn't need the false "help." As someone who is a charter member of this site when Supercoach first put it together, I agree. We can allow the site to flow on its own now without adding our comments to every new subject, because we have around 300 members now and all the different members can keep it going. If a thread doesn't move on its own now, then it should be allowed to go to the UNREAD THREAD graveyard. SUPERCOACH did a great job geting this site up and running. Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: ricky023 on April 13, 2011, 12:11:34 PM I totally agree with you MD but I love the chance to reply to all these posts. Shoot I may be the only one to reply but I do love to read what all the posts are and just give my .01 cent worth. RTR!
Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 13, 2011, 12:18:20 PM I totally agree with you MD but I love the chance to reply to all these posts. Shoot I may be the only one to reply but I do love to read what all the posts are and just give my .01 cent worth. RTR! You really think EVERY post needs a response, really? :o Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: ricky023 on April 13, 2011, 12:31:44 PM NO MD, but I just love reading and posting. I hope I am not doing anything wrong. It is fun to me. This site gives me something to do during the day cause I can't go do anything else. So I try and read every post if I can and as doing so, then I give my .01 worth. I am sure my reply is not appealing to anyone much but I just love it. If I am of course doing something wrong please, please tell me. I would never do anything to make our site look bad, I do say our site cause I been here so long it's my everyday duty to myself to jump on and read. I hope this is not to much, like I say please let me know if I have done something to upset anyone. Thanks. RTR!
Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: 2Stater on April 13, 2011, 12:39:10 PM NO MD, but I just love reading and posting. I hope I am not doing anything wrong. It is fun to me. This site gives me something to do during the day cause I can't go do anything else. So I try and read every post if I can and as doing so, then I give my .01 worth. I am sure my reply is not appealing to anyone much but I just love it. If I am of course doing something wrong please, please tell me. I would never do anything to make our site look bad, I do say our site cause I been here so long it's my everyday duty to myself to jump on and read. I hope this is not to much, like I say please let me know if I have done something to upset anyone. Thanks. RTR! You haven't upset a soul, Preacher. You post all you want to. #+ Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: ricky023 on April 13, 2011, 12:45:09 PM #+ I gotta say thank you to you all. I just love being here. RTR!
Title: Re: Georgia Lineman Suffers 3rd ACL Injury Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 13, 2011, 06:42:30 PM Ricky we are very glad to have you here. Post all you want.
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