Title: Coach Derek Dooley Dead Man Walking Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 11, 2012, 03:52:55 PM Not a real surprise. If they could have played just a little defense, things might have turned out differently.
:wave: Quote The coaching carousel in the SEC looks like it could be picking up another passenger in the near future. After Tennessee's loss on Saturday to conference newcomer Missouri, there are multiple reports that the Volunteers will be looking to replace Derek Dooley. CBSSports.com's Bruce Feldman wrote in his Big Picture column on Sunday that he's hearing the school will fire Dooley, but that "there are still some issues the school is trying to sort out" before it makes the move official. http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/blog/eye-on-college-football/20939544/ Title: Re: Coach Derek Dooley Dead Man Walking Post by: Merk on November 11, 2012, 03:54:36 PM No surprise there. Just a matter of time.