Title: Good News on Trevor Lacey!! Post by: Toxik76 on April 11, 2011, 11:25:12 AM Just found out a little while ago about a few news notes on Lacey:
- All he needs is passing grades on all his classes this current semester & he's well on his way, as well as 3 points higher on his ACT - He was scheduled to go visit AU this past weekend, but decided instead to stay at home, study & re-take his ACT (GREAT news I'm told if you know him personally, not likely to turn down a recruiting trip, especially a red carpet one the likes AU was likely planning) - He had offers to attend both Bama or AU next weekend, as well as UConn's NC ceremony (also this coming weekend) & he has decided to come to Bama and spend the weekend & attend A-Day So if you're keeping up at home, of the 2 teams "said" to be his 2 leaders in the clubhouse, since this Summer, he's visited one school (Bama at LEAST 2 or 3 times for a few games, not completely sure) and the other school (AU) exactly 0 times, and to choose to come see a football spring game rather than celebrate with the national champions says VOLUMES to me, also tells you how effective CAG has been recruiting, he had the athleticism & now in this class he's adding the scoring. It is a very exciting time to be an Alabama basketball fan Title: Re: Good News on Trevor Lacey!! Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 11, 2011, 11:29:37 AM This is great news. Sounds like navychief will be getting some more e-creds soon.
Title: Re: Good News on Trevor Lacey!! Post by: BAMADCHAMPSHIPS on April 11, 2011, 11:37:49 AM Excellent reporting! :dance:
Title: Re: Good News on Trevor Lacey!! Post by: pmull on April 11, 2011, 11:41:11 AM Is Kentucky still in the mix? I have been more concerned about them than the barn.
Title: Re: Good News on Trevor Lacey!! Post by: Toxik76 on April 11, 2011, 11:48:57 AM yeah I have NO idea when he'll announce or commit (heard for a long time on the 13th since that's sort of like NSD for bball, first day to announce & sign LOI in the late period) but there is also talk of him possibly pushing it back to the ceremony when they present the state champ trophies I think on the 22nd, but if all goes well this weekend I'm hearing he might be one to add to the list I posted earlier of guys to watch, but not completely sure since it's been such a fluid situation. This is all coming straight from a bball assistant coachs' mouth (had lunch with today) so I'm feeling pretty good about it, like I said not a bball coach LoL so whatever he tells me I relay, but don't have a feel for the situation. I'm sure I would be more help if I was LoL but when I get an update I'll def share
Title: Re: Good News on Trevor Lacey!! Post by: Toxik76 on April 11, 2011, 12:06:30 PM Is Kentucky still in the mix? I have been more concerned about them than the barn. Heard they were heavily in the mix then fell out of contention after their run (kinda strange that success pushed them back, but Coach Cal and his staff was also not recruiting during that time & CAG & staff was at home for the 1st 3 rounds and was able to bring him in & show him the advantages of STAYING AT HOME) this is the news report that surfaced as well about UK being out of it, then after UK got eliminated, Coach Cal picked the recruiting efforts back up & got back in, but is a distant 3rd, he's pretty much set on staying in state I'm told & he just wants drama for his announcement which is why he came back out to the local media & said UK was in as well as UConn. He told me this though, every year 1 or 2 OTHER staffs are shocked about losing a kid her or there to UK & much of the recruiting Coach Cal & staff does close to bball NSD is secretive & private for that reason, but I think the staff feels pretty confident about landing Lacey, again this is what I was told pmull Title: Re: Good News on Trevor Lacey!! Post by: pmull on April 11, 2011, 12:27:42 PM Is Kentucky still in the mix? I have been more concerned about them than the barn. Heard they were heavily in the mix then fell out of contention after their run (kinda strange that success pushed them back, but Coach Cal and his staff was also not recruiting during that time & CAG & staff was at home for the 1st 3 rounds and was able to bring him in & show him the advantages of STAYING AT HOME) this is the news report that surfaced as well about UK being out of it, then after UK got eliminated, Coach Cal picked the recruiting efforts back up & got back in, but is a distant 3rd, he's pretty much set on staying in state I'm told & he just wants drama for his announcement which is why he came back out to the local media & said UK was in as well as UConn. He told me this though, every year 1 or 2 OTHER staffs are shocked about losing a kid her or there to UK & much of the recruiting Coach Cal & staff does close to bball NSD is secretive & private for that reason, but I think the staff feels pretty confident about landing Lacey, again this is what I was told pmull Thanks. This is good news. We need this kid. Title: Re: Good News on Trevor Lacey!! Post by: Jamos on April 11, 2011, 04:11:03 PM Maybe he will commit during the ADay game Saturday, do you think that would bring a roar from the crowd and probably would make me want to dance. :dance:
Title: Re: Good News on Trevor Lacey!! Post by: navychief on April 11, 2011, 04:39:29 PM He changed his announcent date to the 22nd.
Title: Re: Good News on Trevor Lacey!! Post by: Jamos on April 11, 2011, 04:45:52 PM Title: Re: Good News on Trevor Lacey!! Post by: ricky023 on April 11, 2011, 08:00:40 PM Well it is ok, he will still pick us. I believe it. RTR!