Title: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: cbbama99 on April 11, 2011, 03:21:40 PM http://blog.al.com/live/2011/04/auburn_toilet_paper_other_toom.html (ftp://http://blog.al.com/live/2011/04/auburn_toilet_paper_other_toom.html)
This is ..... this is just ....., wow, I have no words. Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: pmull on April 11, 2011, 03:44:07 PM No where else in the world could that happen - only at boogerville.
Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: ricky023 on April 11, 2011, 03:44:41 PM I couldn't get it to open but if you say wow, I would probably wow it too. RTR!
Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: cbbama99 on April 11, 2011, 03:47:44 PM http://blog.al.com/live/2011/04/auburn_toilet_paper_other_toom.html (ftp://http://blog.al.com/live/2011/04/auburn_toilet_paper_other_toom.html) This is ..... this is just ....., wow, I have no words. Try this one, ricky. http://blog.al.com/live/2011/04/auburn_toilet_paper_other_toom.html Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: Jamos on April 11, 2011, 04:19:07 PM I think I'll send them my decorated toilet paper from in the morning, it will be very fitting for them. :)
Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: cbbama99 on April 11, 2011, 04:20:33 PM I think I'll send them my decorated toilet paper from in the morning, it will be very fitting for them. :) :rofl: #+ Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: 2Stater on April 11, 2011, 04:23:48 PM Shoot, I wouldn't wipe my......oh never mind. >:(
Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: BAMAWV on April 11, 2011, 05:20:10 PM "Well let's see, Honey. The Smithsonian... or perhaps the Civil Rights Museum...I know... this summer we'll go see the toilet paper museum in aubren!"
Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: crimsonmom on April 11, 2011, 05:27:18 PM WOW!
:jump: :jump: Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: XBAMA on April 11, 2011, 05:31:04 PM just when thought you had seen it all ... aubarn strikes :-\
prediction .... there will be a bad case of anal rashitus on the plains soon Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: ssmith general on April 11, 2011, 05:52:44 PM It's real? I had assumed it was an onion article or something. What a bunch of weirdos.
Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: ricky023 on April 11, 2011, 06:38:59 PM http://blog.al.com/live/2011/04/auburn_toilet_paper_other_toom.html (ftp://http://blog.al.com/live/2011/04/auburn_toilet_paper_other_toom.html) This is ..... this is just ....., wow, I have no words. Try this one, ricky. http://blog.al.com/live/2011/04/auburn_toilet_paper_other_toom.html :o that was a good frame of mind that came up with that one. :rofl: RTR! Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 11, 2011, 08:35:09 PM I think I'll send them my decorated toilet paper from in the morning, it will be very fitting for them. :) #+ Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: MDB Tide Roll on April 11, 2011, 08:43:09 PM Okay, so when the original link didn't open, I found this.....it's from Nov. 2010
Quote AUBURN, Alabama -- Now, you can buy and own part of the spirit of Auburn University can grow it in your own yard. You even get a roll of toilet paper to throw over yours after a big win. Starting Saturday, Auburn's School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences will be selling Auburn Toomer's Corner oak trees Saturday as part of homecoming festivities. The seedling trees sell for $60 each and are direct descendants of the 2 oaks at Toomer's Corner. That's right, the same trees that have been festooned with toilet paper when Auburn has won everything from football games to swim championships. The School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences says the trees come with a certificate of authenticity, which tells the history of the Toomer's Corner oaks, planting instructions, a tree ID tag and a roll of Auburn toilet paper. http://blog.al.com/live/2010/11/auburn_toomers_corners_oaks_fo.html Maybe someone that bought one of the trees will donate it back as a replacement. Title: Re: SIAP - Toomer's Toilet Paper Exhibit? Post by: ricky023 on April 11, 2011, 09:37:07 PM lol, bought one of the trees huh? Well maybe those trees will live and no damage will be done to them. RTR!