Title: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: WALL-E on December 03, 2012, 12:13:02 PM SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)
Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 03, 2012, 02:19:46 PM Well here is the rule:
Quote Rule 9-1-4 of the NCAA rulebook, which states: "No player shall target and initiate contact to the head or neck area of a defenseless opponent with the helmet, forearm, elbow or shoulder." Let me help these guys out a little bit: defenseless |diˈfenslis| adjective without defense or protection; totally vulnerable oblivious |əˈblivēəs| adjective not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one You are not defenseless simply because you aren't paying attention. You are defenseless if you are making a play on the ball, either trying to catch it or trying to throw it. This is consistent with how they have called the games all year. If you hit a receiver in the head while he is trying to catch the ball, it is a penalty and they throw the flag. If you hit a QB in the head when he is trying to throw it, it is a penalty and they throw the flag. If you hit a runner in the head after they have clearly secured the ball and are trying to gain yards, it is not a penalty and they don't throw the flag. If you hit a QB in the head while they are dancing around in la la land pouting about throwing an interception and not paying attention, it should not be a penalty. Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: pmull on December 03, 2012, 02:25:56 PM On the CSS replay last night former UGA player Buck Belue and Former Tide player Tyler Watts said it was a clean play. They both said once you throw an INT you become a defender and should expect to get hit.
Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 03, 2012, 02:27:27 PM The only reason there is even a conversation about it is because of those CBS nuts trying to stir up trouble like they always do.
Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: ALTideUp on December 03, 2012, 02:30:25 PM The hit on AM occurred as THE PLAY WAS MOVING TOWARD HIM and HE WAS MOVING TOWARD THE PLAY. That's a whole lot different than when a QB has released the ball down the field. Dial ran past a closer UGA player to get to Murray, but that guy was closer to the play and in between Dial and the play. By the time Dial got to him it would have been a block in the back. Did Dial see it as an opportunity to knock the QB down? Probably. Did he go high? Yes, but I saw him turn his shoulder in to avoid helmet to helmet. Would I have been shocked to see a flag? Of course not. But suspension? C'mon man. I'm with SC on this one.
Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: BAMAWV on December 03, 2012, 02:30:36 PM If a QB does not want to become a would-be tackler he should not throw interceptions.
Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: pmull on December 03, 2012, 02:38:20 PM The head official (Tom Ritter) was right there and watched the hit.
Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: ricky023 on December 03, 2012, 03:08:44 PM To me as long as it is after the interception then all players are live to take a block. Many QBs make tackles and save TDs. If you want protection just simply run and slide down. RTR!
Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: Bamaphile on December 03, 2012, 03:31:21 PM I would like to hear Steve Shaw's explanation on this one. Did Dial hit Murray in the head? Yes. Was it intentional? I don't think so. It looked like he was trying to lead with his shoulder. I've seen flags thrown for less than that this year, though, because the rage right now is to be paranoid about head injuries. At the very worst, it should have been a flag according to Rule 9, Article 3 - "No player shall target and initiate contact against an opponent with the crown (top) of his helmet. When in question, it is a foul.’’
I think the SEC has suspended 2 players this year for flagrant violations of the above rule on defenseless players. However, Murray was certainly not a defenseless player at that point. IMO, it probably could have been a penalty if the official chose to call it, but it doesn't rise to the point of being something Dial should be suspended over. Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: ALTideUp on December 03, 2012, 09:37:22 PM It's interesting to note that the folks on Dawg Run were understandable unhappy about the Dial hit, but there were only a couple posts and they were on to the next thing. It seems to be haters from elsewhere that are getting all lathered up about this.
Trunk envy, I guess. Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: bamalum67 on December 04, 2012, 08:47:08 AM IMO, I was always taught that when my team intercepted a pass, then I was to turn on ANY player of the other team and smack the heck outta him..QB or not.
To my knowledge, the rule has not changed..yes, it was a hard hit, no, it was not illegal. I think CMR has not coached them tough enough..heck, one of thier own admitted they were soft. Goodbye dawgs. Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: Crimson Phoenix on December 04, 2012, 02:50:40 PM I didn't much like it when Gary Danielson said that he went to the refs during halftime to talk about the hit. He encouraged them to pursue it.
I wasn't too impressed with Danielson anyway....he talked way too much during the game. Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: ricky023 on December 04, 2012, 03:20:20 PM CP you are right. He is a goat mouth most times. He certainly does not like us and it shows very well. RTR!
Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: 2Stater on December 04, 2012, 04:27:01 PM When haters hate on us, you know times are good. :-*
Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: bamalum67 on December 04, 2012, 05:51:48 PM I surely hope this is the last season we have to put up with those two.... (pick your plural adjective here)
I can't stand either one..you tell me this is the BEST CBS can come up with? I think they have pictures of the CBS CEO with a goat..or two. Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: XBAMA on December 04, 2012, 08:01:51 PM I didn't much like it when Gary Danielson said that he went to the refs during halftime to talk about the hit. He encouraged them to pursue it. I wasn't too impressed with Danielson anyway....he talked way too much during the game. wonder if Gary went to them to complain about the eye poker Ga. player too ? remember the Fl. player that did that a few years ago , it was national news , Spikes I believe it was . Gary was out of bounds IMO :dunno: maybe he should become a ref instead ? :clap: LoL at the goat reference :lol2: both of them :lol2: Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: Catch Prothro on December 04, 2012, 10:11:57 PM (http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/532262_304064683034841_2020357907_n.jpg)
Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: ALTideUp on December 10, 2012, 06:32:41 AM Chirp. Chirp. :fly:
Title: Re: "SEC: Alabama's Quinton Dial should have been penalized on Aaron Murray hit (video)" Post by: ALTideUp on December 14, 2012, 04:15:18 PM Heard on JOX, there will be no suspensions for Dial, or the eye poke.