Title: Bama vs Vols in Dbl Header @ 3 pm cdt Saturday Post by: Jamos on April 15, 2011, 06:29:52 AM Bama opened the series with a big win last night 8-2 behind some good pitching by Nathan Kilcrease and some good hitting. Bama needs a sweep of this series to keep or increase their lead over Arkansas in the SEC West which is only one game.
Adam Morgan will be the starting pitcher tonight. Title: Re: Bama vs Vols in game #2 @ 6:35 pm cdt weather permitting Post by: BAMAWV on April 15, 2011, 06:34:05 AM Bama opened the series with a big win last night 8-2 behind some good pitching and hitting. Bama needs a sweep of this series to keep or increase their lead over Arkansas in the SEC West which is only one game. (http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRxTxHhnsXSIJ5MuJbknVkVyGz5JaNg-iHt60wnyC-d6UFaUFS4kg)Title: Re: Bama vs Vols in game #2 @ 6:35 pm cdt weather permitting. No TV Post by: pmull on April 15, 2011, 04:19:15 PM Tonight's game 2 of the Tenn series has been postponed. The two teams will play a doubleheader starting at 3:00 tomorrow. Both games will be 7 innings.
Title: Re: Bama vs Vols in Dbl Header @ 3 pm cdt Saturday Post by: pmull on April 16, 2011, 04:31:59 PM Bama trailing 2-1 in the bottom of the 6th. Remember this is a 7 inning game. Come on Bama score some runs.
Title: Re: Bama vs Vols in Dbl Header @ 3 pm cdt Saturday Post by: pmull on April 16, 2011, 04:37:29 PM Bama leaves two on and fails to score in the 6th. We need to hold them and get two runs.
Tenn batting in the 7th with a 2-1 lead. Title: Re: Bama vs Vols in Dbl Header @ 3 pm cdt Saturday Post by: pmull on April 16, 2011, 04:46:18 PM Bama batting in the 7th. We need a run to tie and two to win. Lets go Bama.
Title: Re: Bama vs Vols in Dbl Header @ 3 pm cdt Saturday Post by: pmull on April 16, 2011, 04:53:14 PM The Vols win game one 2-1.
Adam Morgan pitched good enough to win but Bama had trouble scoring runs. Game two coming up shortly. |