Title: Devotional Psalm 102:6,7 Post by: ricky023 on April 15, 2011, 09:54:12 AM Psalm 102:6,7 I am like a desert owl of the wilderness, like an owl of the waste places; I lie awake; I am like a lonely sparrow on the housetop.
I heard about a man whose mother woke him up one Sunday morning and said, “Now, you’ve got to get to church.” So he said, “I’m not going to church today.” She said, “Well, that’s unusual. You always go to church. Why don’t you want to go today?” He said, “People always ignore me there. They talk behind my back, they don’t speak to me, and they walk right past me like they’re avoiding me. I’m sick of it! So I’m not going to church.” So his mother said, “Well, number one, you have to go because the Lord expects you to go. And number two, you’re the pastor!” Isn’t it true that even in a place like church, there can be so much loneliness? Even though you’re surrounded by people, it can be as if you’re the only one around. There’s so much loneliness in the world today. That’s why we have all these support groups and the singles scene and all the things that people are trying to do to fill the gaps in their lives. But even with all those things people are trying to use to numb the pain of loneliness, the feeling of isolation still remains in so many hearts. Perhaps you’re feeling alone today. Oh, you may be with family and friends, but on the inside there’s that aching, nagging alienation that’s tearing you up. So if you’re feeling alone, remember that God is ever-present and never leaves your side. You can always count on him because he truly cares for you. Title: Re: Devotional Psalm 102:6,7 Post by: pmull on April 15, 2011, 11:29:18 AM Amen Ricky. God has blessed me with a good church home and a wonderful family. I am a rich man. I don't mean money. I am rich because God has given me everything I need.
Title: Re: Devotional Psalm 102:6,7 Post by: ricky023 on April 15, 2011, 12:44:00 PM Amen Ricky. God has blessed me with a good church home and a wonderful family. I am a rich man. I don't mean money. I am rich because God has given me everything I need. Amen my brother. The greatest testimony comes from his children. God Bless! Title: Re: Devotional Psalm 102:6,7 Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 15, 2011, 02:09:03 PM Well, to follow up on what I posted on the other topic, I would say this one certainly qualifies as "good". Amen.
Title: Re: Devotional Psalm 102:6,7 Post by: XBAMA on April 15, 2011, 08:32:27 PM that was right on Ricky ! thank you and God Bless .
my kids are hanging out with friends my wife is on the phone with family the dogs and cats are asleep the tv is on but I don't pay very close attention to it I'm tired , my back hurts along with most of the rest of me and it seems if people can't see you mangled and deformed or in a wheel chair they think you are fine because they can't see inside of you at whats wrong so you feel guilty even though you are hurting beyond belief ... so yes you can feel alone at times even though you're not don't take this the wrong way but I believe you know what I am saying Title: Re: Devotional Psalm 102:6,7 Post by: ricky023 on April 15, 2011, 08:38:23 PM XBAMA I absolutely know what your saying. It sure takes a big man to admit it too. God Bless!
Title: Re: Devotional Psalm 102:6,7 Post by: XBAMA on April 15, 2011, 09:00:10 PM that didn't come out just right Ricky I'm not very good at
expressing or should I say writing what I mean ... sometimes you feel like complete strangers can relate better than the people that are closest to you can I guess is what I mean ... it doesn't mean they don't love you though . your Devotional today was awesome like always it just hit with a harder punch today I think because I can relate to it a lot . like you said ... God is always with us and he can make things right and that is what I remind myself of when I need to . I read in another post where you said you didn't get a scholarship to Alabama ? you know , that would almost kill some guys . but then on the other hand ... what if a guy got a scholarship and didn't use it ? Title: Re: Devotional Psalm 102:6,7 Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 18, 2011, 12:07:54 AM Ricky, I just thought I would share something with you. According to Google, two people found our site today by searching for "psalms 102:6-7".
Title: Re: Devotional Psalm 102:6,7 Post by: ricky023 on April 18, 2011, 10:32:04 AM Give the Lord praise for it all. God Bless!