Title: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: ssmithhhh on April 15, 2011, 11:24:23 AM Maybe I'm beating a dead horse, but this is worth passing along with respect to the Alabama/Auburn firestorm. Plus, the writer's passion for Alabama and the program's integrity is noteworthy.
Robert DeWitt is a respected senior writer for the T-News, covering everthing from hunting, fishing and political issues. He is not one to shy away from his feelings. To wit (pun intended): "Several state columnists, including Kevin Scarbinsky of The Birmingham News, have questioned why Calloway switched at the last minute from Auburn to Alabama. The more relevant question all along has been why did he switch to Auburn after being committed to Alabama for a year and a half?" and... "Auburn fans have complained about the influence Calloway’s foster father had over his decision. The more relevant concern was why was his high school coach apparently trying to influence him to go against his father’s wishes? Is the “Auburn Family” like a religious cult where the cult family is substituted for the real family?" lastly... "There also appears to have been little effort by Jeffrey Lee of the Auburn Rivals site to do much more than regurgitate internet message board rumors about Calloway. Is it far fetched to believe that the release of what appears to be bogus information was done for little other purpose than deflect attention away from the pay for play allegations at Auburn?.....the Alabama-Auburn “rivalry” is nothing but a cesspool. And I don’t want my alma mater’s football program swimming in it." http://dewitt.blogs.tuscaloosanews.com/10198/the-poison-keeps-flowing/ Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 15, 2011, 11:39:13 AM This is a very interesting comment form the link:
And knowledgeable Alabama fans should realize that their program is not benefitting from it’s association with Auburn. Auburn should be cut adrift to fend for itself and hopefully find some kind of identity that isn’t defined by it’s hatred for Alabama. Personally, I think that's a little too severe recommendation for the rivalry, but it's a good thought-provoking talking idea. Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: ssmithhhh on April 15, 2011, 12:18:08 PM Good thoughts, but I do personally agree with the first sentence you quoted. If only one fan associates their misdeeds with us simply due to not only being in the same conference, but also in the same division, then that's one fan too many.
That probably makes no sense, but you meant what I knew. :P Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: KoKoPuf on April 15, 2011, 12:24:20 PM I'm hoping the death penalty takes care of this for Bama.
Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: ricky023 on April 15, 2011, 12:42:38 PM Well done sir. My compliments. I have kept up with Alabama football since 1963. I have never had the opportunity to go to an Alabama game but I love Alabama. I didn't play BB down there because C.M. Newton refused to give me a scholarship but I still love them. I write this to say you drop Auburn and kill them. They only exist because the Alabam boards and fans bring them to light. Auburn did try to get me to come to Auburn and I would not do it. Alabama is our reprsentative for this state and it has always been a great institution. God Bless Alabama. RTR!
Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: Jamos on April 15, 2011, 01:16:46 PM It's sad but true in what DeWitt says. Until a governing body, wether it be the NCAA or a state government, steps in with an iron fist and says this has to stop, it's only going to get worse.
There has to be laws and/or enforced rules that applies to, anyone that trys to sell an athelete's skills or an athelete knowingly offering themselves for a price, established and strictly enforced. This would include everyone that offers these gifts and those that accept it, with both to be prosecuted for the same crime. Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: cbbama99 on April 15, 2011, 01:21:15 PM I know Robert, and he is one of the best columnists the T-news has. I completely agree with his sentiments, and it may be truly time to cut our ties with the cow college. The football rivalry is not worth all of this bashing from them on things that have zero to do with 3rd and long at your own 42.
Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 15, 2011, 02:10:32 PM It's sad but true in what DeWitt says. Until a governing body, wether it be the NCAA or a state government, steps in with an iron fist and says this has to stop, it's only going to get worse. There has to be laws and/or enforced rules that applies to, anyone that trys to sell an athelete's skills or an athelete knowingly offering themselves for a price, established and strictly enforced. This would include everyone that offers these gifts and those that accept it, with both to be prosecuted for the same crime. There are rules and laws, but like all laws/rules you have to catch them and prove it. That's not very easy. Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: ssmithhhh on April 15, 2011, 02:39:58 PM I know Robert, and he is one of the best columnists the T-news has. I completely agree with his sentiments, and it may be truly time to cut our ties with the cow college. The football rivalry is not worth all of this bashing from them on things that have zero to do with 3rd and long at your own 42. I'm pleased to see that you enjoy Robert's columns as well. I think of him as very educated, classy and witty (yeah, yeah...there's another pun/play on his name!) I originally hail from Longhorn country. I grew up thinking the Longhorn/Aggie rivalry was the nastiest, dirtiest and ill-tempered rivalry that existed....or could exist. Then, I moved to Alabama late in life. Let me tell you - the hatred...pick your verb....between Alabama/Auburn completely and utterly obliterates the "rivalry" between Texas and Texas A&M. The horrific bonfire tragedy at A&M that killed 12 (I believe) students brings to mind how Texas and A&M came together: "Texas players and the Longhorn football staff held a blood drive to benefit the victims. Texas officials also canceled their annual "hex rally" before the game in favor of a unity rally that also included hundreds of A&M students." and, movingly: "Many fans who were at the game still remember the halftime presentation by both bands as the most moving part of the game. The Texas band played "Amazing Grace" and members took off their hats at the end." http://espn.go.com/blog/big12/post/_/id/2255/aggies-emotional-win-after-bonfire-tragedy-is-no-9-memory I don't know what point I'm trying to make. But my heart tells me most fans from the "other school" would be rolling trees should such a tragedy befall us. It's time to at least place the series on hold. JMHO. We really don't need them. Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: 2Stater on April 15, 2011, 02:44:11 PM This is a very interesting comment form the link: And knowledgeable Alabama fans should realize that their program is not benefitting from it’s association with Auburn. Auburn should be cut adrift to fend for itself and hopefully find some kind of identity that isn’t defined by it’s hatred for Alabama. Personally, I think that's a little too severe recommendation for the rivalry, but it's a good thought-provoking talking idea. I think that might be pretty cool, 'cuz we all know that this would happen.................. (http://www.orangeandbluehue.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/titanic_sinking.jpg) Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 15, 2011, 03:14:37 PM Great article ssmithhhh! I put it on the blog. That is two days in a row for you sir! Keep this up and I might have to give you a key to the front door. :D
Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 15, 2011, 03:18:44 PM Great article ssmithhhh! I put it on the blog. That is two days in a row for you sir! Keep this up and I might have to give you a key to the front door. :D He probably prefers the key to the bathroom. ;D Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: ssmithhhh on April 15, 2011, 03:30:47 PM Great article ssmithhhh! I put it on the blog. That is two days in a row for you sir! Keep this up and I might have to give you a key to the front door. :D @ Marshall Dillon: At this moment - you're right. Tornados all around us in T-Town. My bladder is kinda shakey at the moment. And, Supercoach - make sure it's on a lanyard. I tend to misplace keys. :P Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: 2Stater on April 15, 2011, 03:40:04 PM Great article ssmithhhh! I put it on the blog. That is two days in a row for you sir! Keep this up and I might have to give you a key to the front door. :D He probably prefers the key to the bathroom. ;D I have a prostate the size of a Volkswagon. I know I would. Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: Jamos on April 15, 2011, 04:21:12 PM It's sad but true in what DeWitt says. Until a governing body, wether it be the NCAA or a state government, steps in with an iron fist and says this has to stop, it's only going to get worse. There has to be laws and/or enforced rules that applies to, anyone that trys to sell an athelete's skills or an athelete knowingly offering themselves for a price, established and strictly enforced. This would include everyone that offers these gifts and those that accept it, with both to be prosecuted for the same crime. There are rules and laws, but like all laws/rules you have to catch them and prove it. That's not very easy. It is when they admit it. Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 15, 2011, 04:53:19 PM It's sad but true in what DeWitt says. Until a governing body, wether it be the NCAA or a state government, steps in with an iron fist and says this has to stop, it's only going to get worse. There has to be laws and/or enforced rules that applies to, anyone that trys to sell an athelete's skills or an athelete knowingly offering themselves for a price, established and strictly enforced. This would include everyone that offers these gifts and those that accept it, with both to be prosecuted for the same crime. There are rules and laws, but like all laws/rules you have to catch them and prove it. That's not very easy. It is when they admit it. #+ Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 15, 2011, 06:08:19 PM I love how the Barners keep yelling that there's no evidence, "just the word of the 4 players." I guess they never heard of Eric Ramsey, and he was one guy. Two or more will definitely hang you.
:makemyday: Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: Jamos on April 15, 2011, 07:07:03 PM You can add Terry Bowden to that list.
Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: McBaman on April 16, 2011, 05:14:48 PM Well the Barn is in the SEC West and we are required to play them every year -- aren't we? The only thing we could do would be to move the game earlier in the year. At least there wouldn't be so much build-up to it that way.
Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: LegalAcidity on April 16, 2011, 10:57:44 PM Fantastic column. Thanks for the link.
Here's the way I see it (part of this taken from an earlier post I made over on the other board): I practically grew up in the shadow of Bryant-Denny stadium; I parked cars on Saturdays during the fall for many a year in my Grandmother's front yard (and sometimes the vacant lot around the corner). One of my earliest memories is of the sound of the crowd barely three blocks away, and the voice of the PA announcer wafting through the air, commingling with the leaves of autumn on the way to my young ears. I can remember riding my bike over to and around the stadium. I remember every single solitary smell (both good and bad) that encompassed that walk from my Grandmother's house to the stadium. I can remember the Old Gray Lady and how she creaked and groaned under the tens of thousands of feet stomping before a big play. I remember Coleman Coliseum before it was Coleman. I played basketball in the original Foster Auditorium. I worked several different jobs for the University while in school. In other words, when I say, "Yeah, I'm an Alabama fan," it just carries so much more weight than a lot of people realize. For me, being a fan of Alabama embodies more than what people may associate with being a regular "fan." Part of what that embodies is echoed in the history of the University. Part of it is the respect earned for the entire South by those wins back in the 1920s. Part of it is the integrity and class exhibited by the teams fielded by Coach Bryant. Part of it is the fact that, frankly, the University is the state school of Alabama, and not some former agricultural school that used to have "Institute" at the end of its name. Heck, Auburn's had four names in its history; the University of Alabama has always had and will forever have only one. The University is even 25 years older (and has been open continuously since its inception in 1831) than that other place. It is why, as a high school senior, I only applied to one school: The University of Alabama. It is why, when I made the decision to go back to law school, I only applied to one school: The University of Alabama School of Law. Being an Alabama fan has less to do with where you went to school and more to do with your experiences, your life, and how that university, that team, those players, and those shouts of joy and cries of agony in defeat are woven into your soul. "IT" is something that I feel to my core; "IT" is the common community present on that campus and in that city. You either get IT, or you don't. It's that simple. In my opinion more of us get it than they do. Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 16, 2011, 11:04:30 PM Yea, but they're "Family" and ALL IN. :afraid:
Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: XBAMA on April 16, 2011, 11:09:29 PM good stuff Duke ... and right on the money #+
Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 16, 2011, 11:10:07 PM Great post LA! I am going to put it on the blog.
#+ Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: ssmithhhh on April 17, 2011, 11:52:37 AM Great post LA! I am going to put it on the blog. #+ I have to give props to LA. Nearly everything he posts is noteworthy. Known him a long time back from the early TS days. He's so articulate, he speaks goodlier than I are. 8) Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: LegalAcidity on April 17, 2011, 02:59:24 PM Great post LA! I am going to put it on the blog. #+ I have to give props to LA. Nearly everything he posts is noteworthy. Known him a long time back from the early TS days. He's so articulate, he speaks goodlier than I are. 8) I've always felt I have to post with an eye towards being goodlier or your eye will laser a hole through me. :o Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 17, 2011, 03:03:54 PM :lol:
Title: Re: The Poison Keeps Flowing (T-News' Sr Editor Responds)- Post by: ricky023 on April 18, 2011, 05:30:41 PM My compliments to you. The brief was excellent. RTR!