Title: "Georgia's Mark Richt spends most of bowl press conference defending play against Alabama" Post by: WALL-E on December 14, 2012, 02:01:02 AM Georgia's Mark Richt spends most of bowl press conference defending play against Alabama
Title: Re: "Georgia's Mark Richt spends most of bowl press conference defending play against Alabama" Post by: pmull on December 14, 2012, 08:42:15 AM Georgia needs to get over the loss to us. Sure it hurts. Richt needs to put an end to this. He should respond that it was a good game with two good teams going at each other for 60 minutes. It is ashame someone had to lose but I tip my hat to Alabama for winning and I wish them well against Notre Dame. We looking forward to the Capital One Bowl and that is what our team is focusing on.
They remind me of us when we lost to Florida in 2008 then got whipped by Utah. Title: Re: "Georgia's Mark Richt spends most of bowl press conference defending play against Alabama" Post by: ricky023 on December 14, 2012, 11:07:23 AM If Georgia does not put Alabama loss behind them, how can coach, or concentrate on the team ahead that they should beat soundly. Just like we was suppose too. RTR!