Title: Alabama's A-Day football game a test full of distractions Post by: ssmith general on April 16, 2011, 05:17:11 AM Quote TUSCALOOSA -- The fanaticism entangled with Alabama's annual A-Day game is one of the trickier portions of spring's final exam. There are opportunities for Crimson Tide players to make a lasting impression if they can plow through the distractions. There's the typical captains' celebration at Denny Chimes, but Nick Saban's statue will also be unveiled along the Walk of Champions. With near-perfect weather forecast, there's the potential for the Bryant-Denny Stadium crowd to swell to over 100,000 fans. Most will come to see how the football team is taking shape. "We're certainly looking forward to Saturday as a game-type situation for our team. I look at the spring game more like an exhibition game," Saban said. "We will play the first offense (Crimson team) versus the first defense (White team). The twos will be playing against each other. It's a very competitive game. We play for steak and beans, which is big around here." More - Izzy Gould via AL.com - http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/04/alabamas_a-day_football_game_a.html (http://media.al.com/sports_impact/photo/9492323-large.jpg) Title: Re: Alabama's A-Day football game a test full of distractions Post by: ricky023 on April 16, 2011, 12:39:44 PM Wow, that statue looks great. I hope today is a very good day for CNS having his statue unveiled. RTR!