Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => President's Mansion => Topic started by: BAMAWV on January 04, 2013, 10:07:26 PM

Title: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 04, 2013, 10:07:26 PM

One U.S. Marine was more than a little displeased with California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s draconian gun control proposal, which includes an assault weapons ban and provisions on handguns and even “grandfathered weapons.”

US Marine’s Scathing Response to Sen Feinstein’s Gun Control Proposal: ‘I Am Not Your Subject. I Am the Man Who Keeps You Free’

I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.


Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 06, 2013, 04:07:39 AM
I heard on the Huckabee show that more people were murdered with hammers last year than rifles.

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 06, 2013, 06:39:59 AM
I heard on the Huckabee show that more people were murdered with hammers last year than rifles.
I heard that too, early this AM. Can that possibly be true? FBI statistics on ball peens? LOL Breakdown by type: roofing, claw, ball peen, sledge, finishing, etc.

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: pmull on January 06, 2013, 09:11:22 AM
These hammer deaths are caused by violate movies and video games.  :eyeroll:

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 06, 2013, 10:06:51 AM
These hammer deaths are caused by violate movies and video games.  :eyeroll:

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 06, 2013, 08:25:55 PM
I guess most gun murders happen with a pistol, which makes sense.  A rifle is not the proper weapon for close combat in back alleys.

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 06, 2013, 08:26:17 PM
These hammer deaths are caused by violate movies and video games.  :eyeroll:


Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 06, 2013, 08:32:21 PM
These hammer deaths are caused by violate movies and video games.  :eyeroll:



I prefer a 48 oz with a "genuine american hickory" grip.  It will knock your head clean off.  Do you feel lucky punk?


Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 06, 2013, 10:10:11 PM
These hammer deaths are caused by violate movies and video games.  :eyeroll:



I prefer a 48 oz with a "genuine american hickory" grip.  It will knock your head clean off.  Do you feel lucky punk?

LOL ^^^ Which part of that handle is hickory?  ???

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 06, 2013, 10:16:10 PM
These hammer deaths are caused by violate movies and video games.  :eyeroll:



I prefer a 48 oz with a "genuine american hickory" grip.  It will knock your head clean off.  Do you feel lucky punk?

LOL ^^^ Which part of that handle is hickory?  ???
Here is a pic from the concealed weapon carry permit class:

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: pmull on January 07, 2013, 12:06:32 AM
I prefer the 16 oz claw hammer. You can buy these at any store in the USA for under $20 but the government buys them through a minority bidder for $475 each.


Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 07, 2013, 04:24:16 AM
I prefer the 16 oz claw hammer. You can buy these at any store in the USA for under $20 but the government buys them through a minority bidder for $475 each.

Now we are getting a little off message. You shouldn't kill people-- and try not to rape!

(next thing we'll hear is they paid a grand for a toilet seat)

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 12, 2013, 02:58:53 PM
Due to ammunition cost increases, FT.BAMAWV would like to announce our discontinuation of the warning shot policy! RTR

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: ricky023 on January 12, 2013, 07:02:44 PM
I think gun control has become an item so it gets our minds off the underhanded stuff the other side is doing. RTR!

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 14, 2013, 11:56:08 AM
I prefer the 16 oz claw hammer. You can buy these at any store in the USA for under $20 but the government buys them through a minority bidder for $475 each.

Or how about this DeWalt nail gun:


Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 14, 2013, 12:44:14 PM
I prefer the 16 oz claw hammer. You can buy these at any store in the USA for under $20 but the government buys them through a minority bidder for $475 each.

Or how about this DeWalt nail gun:


Dewalts answer to home protection that doesn't require a registration or license. This nailgun can shoot a 16-D nail through a 2x4 at 200 yards and in case of a home invasion well you can NAIL THEIR AZZ to the wall. I'm not saying it won't kill the perp but they won't get away. You can also help build a friends fence 2 blocks away while sitting in your front lawn. This is truly how you adapt and overcome.

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: pmull on January 14, 2013, 12:53:55 PM
Due to ammunition cost increases, FT.BAMAWV would like to announce our discontinuation of the warning shot policy! RTR


Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 15, 2013, 04:18:40 AM
I prefer the 16 oz claw hammer. You can buy these at any store in the USA for under $20 but the government buys them through a minority bidder for $475 each.

Or how about this DeWalt nail gun:


Dewalts answer to home protection that doesn't require a registration or license. This nailgun can shoot a 16-D nail through a 2x4 at 200 yards and in case of a home invasion well you can NAIL THEIR AZZ to the wall. I'm not saying it won't kill the perp but they won't get away. You can also help build a friends fence 2 blocks away while sitting in your front lawn. This is truly how you adapt and overcome.

Does it have a scope?  :lol:

This does bring up an interesting point about what is legally considered an assault weapon.  I wonder if I can have a trebuchet?  The homeowner's association better not come over to complain either, at least not the ones who live within range.

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: ricky023 on January 15, 2013, 04:39:57 PM
I saw on Newsmax today that somebody was talking impeachment if he goes around Congress with an Executive Order. I would hate to know Joe Biden had to carry us for the next 4 years. RTR!

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 15, 2013, 06:49:30 PM

Now I see why he picked Biden for his running mate.  There is no way he gets impeached no matter what he does.  Pretty clever on his part.

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 15, 2013, 07:24:32 PM

Now I see why he picked Biden for his running mate.  There is no way he gets impeached no matter what he does.  Pretty clever on his part.
I watched the movie Game Change last night. The whole Hollywood liberal scam was to ridicule Sarah Palin and the possiblity of her being a heartbeat away from the oval office. They made her out to be psycho and bone stupid. These characterizations actually fit Biden (MHO), but his abliity to step into the presidency was never questioned. 

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 17, 2013, 12:15:00 AM

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 17, 2013, 04:14:03 AM

Reporters, editors, etc. that support publishing the names and addresses of gun owners are asked to put a "Gun Free Zone" sign on their lawn. LOL

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: Old Tider on January 22, 2013, 09:30:57 PM

See you in the President's Mansion.  Or rather I won't join you there.

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 23, 2013, 10:12:49 AM

See you in the President's Mansion.  Or rather I won't join you there.

This is the President's Mansion.  I had to double check to make sure.  :lol:

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: Old Tider on January 23, 2013, 11:15:07 AM

See you in the President's Mansion.  Or rather I won't join you there.

This is the President's Mansion.  I had to double check to make sure.  :lol:

Thanks and wow, how did I stumble into this crazy place?

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 24, 2013, 05:09:14 AM
( they are saying the Bushmaster was never used in the Sandy Hook shooting. Wow!

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on January 30, 2013, 09:58:57 AM

As far as the left’s patronizing objection to gun control opponents that, “no one’s coming to get your guns,” the San Diego Police Chief William Lansdowne has taken the unrealistic position that all guns can be taken off the streets withing a “generation.”

In a nation where hammers and clubs killed more people in 2011 than all rifles combined, of any type or magazine size, by a rate of 496 to 323, it seems a bit absurd, not to mention slightly nefarious, to seek a ban on a subset of so-called “assault rifles” (as if there were any other type). The aforementioned blunt objects also killed more people than all shotguns combined, which registered a rate of 356 murders.

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on February 07, 2013, 12:13:43 PM

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on February 22, 2013, 11:20:10 PM

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on February 24, 2013, 04:53:41 PM

               This Kid Won't Shoot His Classmates! JMHO

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: Leewillie on February 24, 2013, 05:18:32 PM
I agree, I starting hunting with my Dad and older brother by the time I was 6.  Owned my first .22  single shot rifle by the time I was 12.  Got my first shotgun at 15.  Have owned multiple guns for over 50 years and never shot anyone.  Hope I never do, but being a good Boy Scout, I believe in being prepared.

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: ricky023 on February 24, 2013, 08:21:31 PM
My dad gave me a 410 shotgun when I was 14. I have  had guns since. I think that if I am tested and someone wanted to harm my wife or family I would stop them. RTR!

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on February 25, 2013, 06:46:31 PM
I agree, I starting hunting with my Dad and older brother by the time I was 6.  Owned my first .22  single shot rifle by the time I was 12.  Got my first shotgun at 15.  Have owned multiple guns for over 50 years and never shot anyone.  Hope I never do, but being a good Boy Scout, I believe in being prepared.
Taught to respect guns and taught how to handle them. You've seen first hand, through hunting, the distruction that can be caused if misused. Life lessons the gangsta's in the 'hood are not getting.

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on February 26, 2013, 08:43:57 AM

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on February 27, 2013, 05:14:43 AM

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: BAMAWV on March 02, 2013, 10:37:28 AM
TTFWIW DEPT: Word out that ammunition manufacturing companies bought out, owned by liberals (Soros?) hidden under layers of shell companies. They are only selling to govt. agencies (FBI, TSA, DHS, etc.). While everyone is running around wearing "Come Get My Gun" T-shirts they have quietly cornered the market on ammo. Expect drastic increases as supplies dwindle. Also, I heard that there would be marked increases (300-400%) in presses, powder measures, etc. HTH

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: SUPERCOACH on March 04, 2013, 06:41:11 PM
TTFWIW DEPT: Word out that ammunition manufacturing companies bought out, owned by liberals (Soros?) hidden under layers of shell companies. They are only selling to govt. agencies (FBI, TSA, DHS, etc.). While everyone is running around wearing "Come Get My Gun" T-shirts they have quietly cornered the market on ammo. Expect drastic increases as supplies dwindle. Also, I heard that there would be marked increases (300-400%) in presses, powder measures, etc. HTH

I have heard from a buddy of mine that ammunition is in short supply.  He found a web site and bought a bunch from them.  I don't know if they are cutting their supplies as you mentioned or if demand is just through the roof right now, but in any case it is something to definitely keep an eye on.

Title: Re: Knee jerk legislation for gun control opposed:
Post by: Leroy on March 04, 2013, 07:02:01 PM
TTFWIW DEPT: Word out that ammunition manufacturing companies bought out, owned by liberals (Soros?) hidden under layers of shell companies. They are only selling to govt. agencies (FBI, TSA, DHS, etc.). While everyone is running around wearing "Come Get My Gun" T-shirts they have quietly cornered the market on ammo. Expect drastic increases as supplies dwindle. Also, I heard that there would be marked increases (300-400%) in presses, powder measures, etc. HTH

I have heard from a buddy of mine that ammunition is in short supply.  He found a web site and bought a bunch from them.  I don't know if they are cutting their supplies as you mentioned or if demand is just through the roof right now, but in any case it is something to definitely keep an eye on.

With hunting season winding down in most places, I'm hoping that the current low supply is due to normal cyclic cuts in production at the same time as an unusually high demand due to the public trying to buy all they can now in anticipation of new more restrictive laws in the future.