Title: BR: Alabama Offensive Line & the Running Game Post by: pmull on April 19, 2011, 10:12:02 AM No area was more disappointing last season than the Alabama rushing attack which featured two of the nation's better running backs and couldn't do much of anything. Alabama's A-Day game marked a chance to see what has been done about it.
With a new offensive line coach comes some experimentation. While some changes we saw could end up permanent, some may not. First priority this spring was to find a new starter at left tackle. Alabama signed a junior college player Aaron Douglas in hopes that he would lock that down but it didn't happen. Saturday two year starting guard Barrett Jones started with the ones at left tackle while Douglas started with the twos. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/669450-spring-game-review-offensive-line-and-the-running-game Title: Re: BR: Alabama Offensive Line & the Running Game Post by: ricky023 on April 21, 2011, 10:18:16 PM OH yea, these guys are going to be ready. To me after the summer program they are going to be their best come about time for the season starter. RTR!