Title: Saban was on Mike and Mike this morning and was asked Post by: thatguy09 on January 10, 2013, 08:35:51 AM If he would close the door on going to the NFL. After going off a little bit he said "YES I AM CLOSING THE DOOR. The door has been closed so many times the hinges are falling off.". LOL. Eat your heart out SEC and the rest of college football. We are going to be kicking ass for a long time. RTR
Title: Re: Saban was on Mike and Mike this morning and was asked Post by: Jamos on January 10, 2013, 06:58:46 PM This is the link to the interview, too funny.
http://espn.go.com/espnradio/play?id=8831370&s=espn Title: Re: Saban was on Mike and Mike this morning and was asked Post by: XBAMA on January 13, 2013, 07:42:48 AM man I love CNS .... these reporters just ask for it and he delivers :lol2:
I took a step back before I realized he wasn't talking to me ... thank you for the link Jamos ... too funny ! :lol2: :lol2: Title: Re: Saban was on Mike and Mike this morning and was asked Post by: Jamos on January 13, 2013, 08:44:31 AM That was a big day for interviews for CNS. he had Mike and Mike first, then Jack Arute, and followed by OBama.
I had a chance to listen to the Jack Arute interview and for those of you that didn't hear it, well it was a masterpiece. Jack spoke to us last fall and really did a good job. He explained to us how he knew CNS in the past years and was proud of what CNS had accomplished during his career. He also said that he was Catholic and an avid Notre Dame fan and he thought ND had a good chance to play in the BCSNG and would win it. Well, that was before ND played Bama. Jack gave one of the most sincere congrats to CNS and the team that I have heard. He said that CNS has made him a desciple of him and it wasn't just the win over ND but how CNS has taken a beaten and battered Bama program and put it back on top again. CNS then did a full explanation of what the process is in full detail, better than any description he has ever given before. He broke down every detail of it and gave the importance of each in full detail. There was no anger in his voice as he spoke, something that is very uncommon in most of his interviews and Jack Arute was just drooling. This was a side of CNS that most folks have never witnessed and I was wishing that the whole country was listening because it is a side of him that he deserves because of his accomplishments of developing young men into well respected adults. Title: Re: Saban was on Mike and Mike this morning and was asked Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 13, 2013, 08:55:29 AM Maybe we can find an online link for the Jack Arute interview too. I would love to hear it.
Title: Re: Saban was on Mike and Mike this morning and was asked Post by: Jamos on January 13, 2013, 04:26:39 PM Maybe we can find an online link for the Jack Arute interview too. I would love to hear it. I found a short clip of the interview, 3:37 mins, but the interview lasted 10-15 mins. If anyone has SiriusXM On Demand, they can get the whole interview there. http://soundcloud.com/siriusxmsports/nick-saban-fb-3078339-1453 |