Title: Fluker, Milliner, Lacy head to the NFL Post by: Terrie1959 on January 11, 2013, 11:43:49 AM At a news conference today at the Mal Moore Athletic Facility, Crimson Tide running back Eddie Lacy and cornerback Dee Milliner announced they will bypass their senior seasons and make themselves eligible for the NFL draft April 25-27. Alabama offensive tackle D.J. Fluker did not attend the news conference, but Alabama coach Nick Saban said Fluker is turning pro as well.
http://blogs.tennesseevalleynow.com/bamablog/2013/01/11/milliner-lacy-head-to-the-nfl/ (http://blogs.tennesseevalleynow.com/bamablog/2013/01/11/milliner-lacy-head-to-the-nfl/) Title: Re: Fluker, Milliner, Lacy head to the NFL Post by: pmull on January 11, 2013, 11:50:31 AM Good luck to all three. I would have liked to see them come back for their senior year but we all knew with the year they had they would enter the draft. There is just too much money at stake to come back and risk injury.
I look forward to seeing them play on Sunday's next year. Title: Re: Fluker, Milliner, Lacy head to the NFL Post by: Terrie1959 on January 11, 2013, 11:56:04 AM Good luck to all three. I would have liked to see them come back for their senior year but we all knew with the year they had they would enter the draft. There is just too much money at stake to come back and risk injury. I look forward to seeing them play on Sunday's next year. Me too! But I also wish them well. Pretty soon the NFL is going to have to change it's name to Alabama Pro League :) Title: Re: Fluker, Milliner, Lacy head to the NFL Post by: carl childers on January 11, 2013, 01:53:58 PM Thank you, gentlemen, for your service to UA football and helping it attain great heights. God speed and good luck.
Title: Re: Fluker, Milliner, Lacy head to the NFL Post by: lstephen on January 11, 2013, 04:15:32 PM All three represented themselves, their families and the University well. Would love to have them back but wish them well and much success!
Title: Re: Fluker, Milliner, Lacy head to the NFL Post by: McBaman on January 11, 2013, 06:53:01 PM AMEN to everything that's already been said in this thread. RTR!
Title: Re: Fluker, Milliner, Lacy head to the NFL Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 12, 2013, 06:08:24 AM Having guys leave early for the NFL is all part of the process. It is a nice problem to have. Roll Tide and good luck to these guys in the pros.
I wish we could arrange to have all of the former Bama players on one team. :) |