Title: "Crimson Tide QB AJ McCarron and girlfriend Katherine Webb topic of question during Miss America Pageant (video)" Post by: WALL-E on January 13, 2013, 12:35:01 PM Crimson Tide QB AJ McCarron and girlfriend Katherine Webb topic of question during Miss America Pageant (video)
Title: Re: "Crimson Tide QB AJ McCarron and girlfriend Katherine Webb topic of question during Miss America Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 14, 2013, 04:00:40 AM Quote winner Mallory Hagan, an Alabama native competing as Miss New York. Well that explains it. I knew Miss New York won but I could not fathom how that could happen. :lol: Title: Re: "Crimson Tide QB AJ McCarron and girlfriend Katherine Webb topic of question during Miss America Post by: pmull on January 14, 2013, 08:05:59 AM Quote winner Mallory Hagan, an Alabama native competing as Miss New York. Well that explains it. I knew Miss New York won but I could not fathom how that could happen. :lol: She went to the barn. I think she is from Opelika. |