Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: Kuiyam on January 20, 2013, 01:00:22 PM

Title: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: Kuiyam on January 20, 2013, 01:00:22 PM
Well the time has come for me to head home back to Australia, Jesse will be coming with me, but don't worry, he will be back in 10 days to keep this dream going!

I wanted to thank everyone in Alabama for all the support and love that they have shown to my son and my family this last 2 years, it has been an experience that wee will never forget.

I have met some outstanding people and been a part of history, thank you Jamos and 2Stater for making me feel so welcome and letting me in your families, you ar a couple of good blokes!

Thankyou everyone, god bless and RTR #16

Arthur Williams


Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: pmull on January 20, 2013, 01:14:24 PM
Have a safe trip home Kuiyam. Please stay in touch with us.

It has been a pleasure watching Jesse play the last two years. We will be following him for years to come in the NFL on this board.

Roll Tide Mate!


Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: XBAMA on January 20, 2013, 01:23:55 PM
the pleasure was all ours Arthur ...

going to miss #54 being there , on the goal line plays a lot too
that boy has got game and Alabama is a better place because
he was here ...

thank you sir for letting him play here

happy trails and Roll Tide

Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: ricky023 on January 20, 2013, 01:37:08 PM
Wow, this is great. Mr. Williams you and your family will always be loved in Alabama. God Bless! RTR!

Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: 2Stater on January 20, 2013, 01:53:40 PM
Arthur, you really need to talk some sense into your other son about coming over and playing for Bama. Jesse could be passing that torch to him, you know. Plus, it will give you a good reason to come back over here. I know the humor of my lousy golf game keeps you entertained, but is it really enough to keep you coming back?  :dunno:

Only kidding, my friend. I know you'll be coming back anyway. The pleasure has been all mine. Talk to you soon.

PS - tell the flight attendants to cut Jesse some slack and find him some space to sleep in. The big guy needs some rest, lol!

Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: hscoach on January 20, 2013, 02:50:31 PM
Thanks to you for your support and a huge thanks t JW for helping bring #15.

Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: Jamos on January 20, 2013, 03:15:52 PM
As I wrote in a thread that I posted on here earlier, "Saying goodbye is never fun", well it isn't. We have had some good times the past weeks and I always cherish good memories.

I hope it is possible that you and Mrs. K can come back to visit us again and we'll see if we can't find some more good times to have. You told me earlier this week that Tuscaloosa would be a wonderful place to live, I'll be waiting on you. ;)

Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: Catch Prothro on January 20, 2013, 03:17:57 PM
Roll Tide, Arthur, Roll Tide.

Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: Leewillie on January 20, 2013, 03:20:16 PM
Arthur, It was a pleasure to watch Jessie play for the past 2 years.  He was a big contributor in Alabama winning back to back National Championships.  Best of luck to you and your family as you continue to live the dream. Will enjoy watching Jessie play on Sundays next year.

Roll Tide Roll

Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: Merk on January 20, 2013, 07:43:50 PM
Mr. Williams, Just wanted you to know how much we enjoyed watching Jesse play for our Tide these last two years. You raised a fine son who has exemplified what a student athlete should be. I wish him and you the best and look forward to cheering Jesse on for many Sundays come. Have a safe trip and hope to someday have the pleasure to meet both of you. Gods blessings to you both!  RollTide!

Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: lstephen on January 20, 2013, 10:14:21 PM
Thank YOU and Mrs. K and, most of all, Jesse for all your contributions to Alabama!  Come back early and often!


Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: Bamaphile on January 20, 2013, 11:36:54 PM
Best wishes to Jesse in keeping his dream going.  Thank you to you, Jesse, and the rest of your family for becoming a part of the Alabama family.  Roll Tide!!!

Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: cbbama99 on January 21, 2013, 09:20:55 AM
We should be thanking you Kuiyam for sharing that wonderful son of yours with us for the past two years. Its obvious that you guys have raised a fine young man, which is even more important than him being a great football player. Best wishes to you and yours, and here's hoping that we will see Jesse playing in the NFL next season (in my case, preferably for Baltimore!!). ROLL TIDE!

Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: BAMAWV on January 21, 2013, 10:05:51 AM
Watch out for 'fire devils'!

Title: Re: Thank you Alabama!
Post by: N.AL-Tider on January 21, 2013, 11:09:23 AM
Jesse Williams played football for Bama in 2011 and 2012. 
Bama footbal team won the National Championship in 2011 and 2012.

Coincidence?  I think not!

Thanks Jesse and family.  You were all integral parts of "The Process" at Bama and our appreciation will never be able to be fully expressed.  Safe travels, health and happiness to you all.