Title: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: navychief on April 20, 2011, 03:42:36 PM Harvey Updyke mugged at gas station.
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke Stabbed Post by: navychief on April 20, 2011, 03:43:51 PM Hopefully, they move the trial out of lee county.
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke Stabbed Post by: BAMADCHAMPSHIPS on April 20, 2011, 03:45:44 PM Trees vs human life ??? :-\
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke Stabbed Post by: BAMAWV on April 20, 2011, 03:47:28 PM His lawyer on PF right now. Assaulted in Opeleika after leaving hearing, head injury only.
(http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSJXVeQrKgD3bFL1VnmGurMsItJScBS9K9Kf-DwK29LRSgnaje_) Title: Re: Harvey Updyke Stabbed Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 20, 2011, 04:07:10 PM I thought this was going to be some sort of joke. Sadly, it is not. :(
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke Stabbed Post by: Chechem on April 20, 2011, 04:29:15 PM This is a horrible mess. If this turns out to be true (stabbed by an attacker), it's time to check this Bama-Booger relationship.
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke Stabbed Post by: BAMAWV on April 20, 2011, 04:31:33 PM This is a horrible mess. If this turns out to be true (stabbed by an attacker), it's time to check this Bama-Booger relationship. NC needs to edit the title. Possible head injury-- no stabbing.Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: XBAMA on April 20, 2011, 04:41:39 PM is there more bad news fixing to come out about the barn ?
do they need another deflection headline again ? Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: XBAMA on April 20, 2011, 04:43:30 PM didn't see a http://www.myfoxal.com/story/14484762/updyke-attacked-at-opelika-gas-station
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: navychief on April 20, 2011, 04:48:15 PM Dude got beat up at a "Tiger Express" Gas Station
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: BAMAWV on April 20, 2011, 04:50:27 PM Dude got beat up at a "Tiger Express" Gas Station I deserve to be beaten if yall see me in a Tiger Express in Lee County. TIATitle: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: XBAMA on April 20, 2011, 05:08:35 PM gas station workers saying it didn't happen ?
http://atlanta.sbnation.com/georgia-bulldogs/2011/4/20/2123391/harvey-updyke-attacked-tiger-express-gas-station (http://wbrc.images.worldnow.com/images/14484762_BG1.jpg) Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: ricky023 on April 20, 2011, 05:13:21 PM He should know better than to go there. JMO. RTR!
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Jamos on April 20, 2011, 05:21:23 PM He should know better than to go there. JMO. RTR! Amen! ??? Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: BAMAWV on April 20, 2011, 05:21:26 PM gas station workers saying it didn't happen ? Surveilance tapes? http://atlanta.sbnation.com/georgia-bulldogs/2011/4/20/2123391/harvey-updyke-attacked-tiger-express-gas-station (http://wbrc.images.worldnow.com/images/14484762_BG1.jpg) Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: XBAMA on April 20, 2011, 05:27:03 PM Surveilance tapes? that's what I was thinking ... but it is aubarn we're talking about too they will have to wait on the crayons to be sharpened ? Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Chechem on April 20, 2011, 05:30:56 PM Surveilance tapes? that's what I was thinking ... but it is aubarn we're talking about too they will have to wait on the crayons to be sharpened ? Finebaum reported that there were no videotapes. True. It sounded like the store wasn't rigged with them, or the area where Harvey was parked wasn't covered by them. Obviously, the Boogers had them removed to cover the attack. (wink, wink) Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: BAMAWV on April 20, 2011, 05:43:48 PM Surveilance tapes? that's what I was thinking ... but it is aubarn we're talking about too they will have to wait on the crayons to be sharpened ? Finebaum reported that there were no videotapes. True. It sounded like the store wasn't rigged with them, or the area where Harvey was parked wasn't covered by them. Obviously, the Boogers had them removed to cover the attack. (wink, wink) Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Chechem on April 20, 2011, 05:46:47 PM Surveilance tapes? that's what I was thinking ... but it is aubarn we're talking about too they will have to wait on the crayons to be sharpened ? Finebaum reported that there were no videotapes. True. It sounded like the store wasn't rigged with them, or the area where Harvey was parked wasn't covered by them. Obviously, the Boogers had them removed to cover the attack. (wink, wink) Stores do that? :o :o :o Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: BAMAWV on April 20, 2011, 06:13:53 PM Surveilance tapes? that's what I was thinking ... but it is aubarn we're talking about too they will have to wait on the crayons to be sharpened ? Finebaum reported that there were no videotapes. True. It sounded like the store wasn't rigged with them, or the area where Harvey was parked wasn't covered by them. Obviously, the Boogers had them removed to cover the attack. (wink, wink) Stores do that? :o :o :o Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Jamos on April 20, 2011, 06:16:30 PM The Fox News anchor just asked their reporter at the service station if anyone knew where Updyke might be right now, the reporter got choked on that one and did some serious stuttering to answer with a no.
:rofl: Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: XBAMA on April 20, 2011, 06:22:12 PM Do I need to draw you a picture? that's what I picture happing at the gas station a barner with a crayola and a notebook doing a ... (http://couchfiresports.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/leprechaun-amateur-sketch.png) Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 20, 2011, 08:05:55 PM Do I need to draw you a picture? that's what I picture happing at the gas station a barner with a crayola and a notebook doing a ... (http://couchfiresports.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/leprechaun-amateur-sketch.png) :lol: I recognize that pic. #+ Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: cbbama99 on April 20, 2011, 08:14:07 PM When I read the headline, at first I thought this was the attacker:
(http://www.tuckborough.net/images/treebeard.jpg) Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: BAMADCHAMPSHIPS on April 20, 2011, 08:19:49 PM When I read the headline, at first I thought this was the attacker: (http://www.tuckborough.net/images/treebeard.jpg) :lol: #+ Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: TAZRUGBY on April 20, 2011, 08:49:12 PM Do I need to draw you a picture? that's what I picture happing at the gas station a barner with a crayola and a notebook doing a ... (http://couchfiresports.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/leprechaun-amateur-sketch.png) Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 20, 2011, 09:04:09 PM Basically, from listening to Finebaum, this story is getting stranger and stranger. It seems like the whole thing may have been staged. Apparently, Updyke had left the courthouse 15 minutes earlier when he stopped to get gas. He was getting out of his car when everything went black and he woke up on the pavement. He drove to the emergency room in Opelika and they called he police, who took a report from him. Also, someone called a tv sation in Montgomey to report Updyke had been stabbed, shortly after the "incident." I think Updyke may have fainted due to a medical problem (high blood presure, diabetes, etc) or he staged this to get the trial moved out of Lee county. This all occurred right after the Lee County DA refused to accept a plea bargain. Suspicious to say the least. Finebaum is all over this and the tv station refuses to release the audio tape of the anonymous call.
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: ssmith general on April 20, 2011, 09:07:16 PM Basically, from listening to Finebaum, this story is getting stranger and stranger. It seems like the whole thing may have been staged. Apparently, Updyke had left the courthouse 15 minutes earlier when he stopped to get gas. He was getting out of his car when everything went black and he woke up on the pavement. He drove to the emergency room in Opelika and they called he police, who took a report from him. Also, someone called a tv sation in Montgomey to report Updyke had been stabbed, shortly after the "incident." I think Updyke may have fainted due to a medical problem (high blood presure, diabetes, etc) or he staged this to get the trial moved out of Lee county. This all occurred right after the Lee County DA refused to accept a plea bargain. Suspicious to say the least. Finebaum is all over this and the tv station refuses to release the audio tape of the anonymous call. He waived his pre-trial hearing and 'appeared remorseful' I read earlier today. Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 20, 2011, 09:08:05 PM :popcorn:
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 20, 2011, 09:13:27 PM :popcorn: No doubt. I think Thursday and Friday e will hear totally different stories. The Montgomery TV station is the one on the hot seat about this. I guarantee you, heads will roll over this at the station. Plus, we know Updyke ain't wrapped too tight, so I can definitely can see him cooking this up. :dog: Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: BAMAWV on April 20, 2011, 09:16:53 PM Basically, from listening to Finebaum, this story is getting stranger and stranger. It seems like the whole thing may have been staged. Apparently, Updyke had left the courthouse 15 minutes earlier when he stopped to get gas. He was getting out of his car when everything went black and he woke up on the pavement. He drove to the emergency room in Opelika and they called he police, who took a report from him. Also, someone called a tv sation in Montgomey to report Updyke had been stabbed, shortly after the "incident." I think Updyke may have fainted due to a medical problem (high blood presure, diabetes, etc) or he staged this to get the trial moved out of Lee county. This all occurred right after the Lee County DA refused to accept a plea bargain. Suspicious to say the least. Finebaum is all over this and the tv station refuses to release the audio tape of the anonymous call. It is possible it was staged. But I heard barner's questioning everything from the length of his time in the emegency room to why his atty called Finebaum instead of driving to see his client. Smoke and mirrors to cover yet another barn fiasco? BTW, the emergency room said he checked himself out (refusing further treatment) and Finebaum called the lawyer, not the other way around. No surveilance tape? Lee Harvey scoured the entire area hunting for a place with no video taping? I think not. Far more likely that some barner saw him pumping gas and sucker punched him in the back of the head, then the store owner said the VCR was not on so as not to receive negative publicity. JMOTitle: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: CtrlAltDel on April 20, 2011, 09:17:25 PM Updyke is in his 60's; that is old, kinda.
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 20, 2011, 09:19:53 PM Updyke is in his 60's; that is old, kinda. I think he's 63, but if you've seen pictures of him, he hasn't taken care of himself and has reported medical problems. The age isn't so old, he just hasn't taken care of his body. Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: MDB Tide Roll on April 20, 2011, 09:21:26 PM This story made the news here in Atlanta. Noone inside the store witnessed the attack.
This one should be interesting. Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 20, 2011, 09:28:51 PM This story made the news here in Atlanta. Noone inside the store witnessed the attack. This one should be interesting. In fact, the employee said nothing happened because they had a clear view of the pumps. Like I said, wait till tomorrow. :D Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: XBAMA on April 20, 2011, 09:53:24 PM are they reporting that they arrested him for filing a false police report a couple of hours ago ? :o
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 20, 2011, 10:37:00 PM are they reporting that they arrested him for filing a false police report a couple of hours ago ? :o Whoa, I haven't heard that one. Let me do some checking. Honestly, I'm not surprised if it's true. :afraid: Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: XBAMA on April 20, 2011, 10:50:00 PM I can't confirm it either MD but the au newspapers are casting plenty of doubt on his story
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: XBAMA on April 20, 2011, 10:54:12 PM police release https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jXjxMABmBW-TtFE3yotAxTN7JGQozJRoysqKOGHOJ2I/edit?hl=en&authkey=CNKpgVs&pli=1#
Opelika-Auburn News report http://www2.oanow.com/news/2011/apr/20/18/updyke-waives-hearing-toomers-tree-poisoning-case-ar-1742050/ war chicken reader report http://www.thewareaglereader.com/2011/04/lets-review/ (http://www.thewareaglereader.com/2011/04/lets-review/) Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: BAMAWV on April 20, 2011, 11:31:32 PM I am willing to admit that the poisening and the filing of a false report may be the acts of a very stupid, but well intentioned individual. But I can also easily invision him telling the truth, in a county that is treating him worse than a child molester, eager to give him the bum's rush to old sparky. If the former is true and stupidity is Harvey's seeing eye dog, was it a flash of brilliance to "stage" the alleged assault in a blind spot of the cameras?
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 20, 2011, 11:37:35 PM I am willing to admit that the poisening and the filing of a false report may be the acts of a very stupid, but well intentioned individual. But I can also easily invision him telling the truth, in a county that is treating him worse than a child molester, eager to give him the bum's rush to old sparky. If the former is true and stupidity is Harvey's seeing eye dog, was it a flash of brilliance to "stage" the alleged assault in a blind spot of the cameras? Good point. Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: LegalAcidity on April 20, 2011, 11:39:42 PM First off, he wasn't arrested for filing a false police report. Impossible to prove unless he admitted he made it up.
Second, no chance, and I mean NO chance he would know the security camera situation at a gas station in Auburn or anywhere else on the planet. Third, it is highly possible that someone saw him and whacked him in the back of the head. Fourth, it is equally as highly possible that he fainted and hit his head on the ground. The thing that gets me is why he didn't call the cops when he woke up (no cell phone? Doesn't trust the AU police?). It doesn't seem as bothersome to me that he left the ER...maybe he figured he was OK, maybe he doesn't like to wait (who does?), maybe he was being heckled by people in the ER. Who knows? Also, the fact that the DA rejected the plea offer from his attorney doesn't mean diddly. Big deal. His attorney admitted it was a "lowball" offer and, given the enormous amount of the publicity, there's no way the DA's office is going to accept a probation plea this early in the process. Down the line, maybe, but not now. Updyke's attorney knows this; he's no fool. He's just playing the PR game. Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 20, 2011, 11:48:35 PM He was punched in the face and didn't see who hit him. Come on guys, this old fart is lying through his teeth. Stop defending just because you hate Auburn so much. He had scratches on his forehead? Give me a break.
:-X Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Chechem on April 21, 2011, 05:14:07 AM Updyke is in his 60's; that is old, kinda. I think he's 63, but if you've seen pictures of him, he hasn't taken care of himself and has reported medical problems. The age isn't so old, he just hasn't taken care of his body. Thanks, MD. #+ Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: ricky023 on April 21, 2011, 11:58:48 AM One thing for sure when he makes this movie it will be 3 hrs. long with all the additional added stuff to his trial. RTR!
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: BAMAWV on April 21, 2011, 02:28:20 PM Lee Harvey to be on PF in the next hour. Pull up a chair. :lunch:
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: ricky023 on April 21, 2011, 02:29:44 PM I wish I could hear it but I don't get the channel I don't guess. If you could put us a link on here. RTR!
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 21, 2011, 02:30:29 PM Yeah, around 3 pm or so. Paul said they were uneasy having him in the studio due to so many death threats, so Updyke is calling in.
:o Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: BAMAWV on April 21, 2011, 02:32:25 PM I wish I could hear it but I don't get the channel I don't guess. If you could put us a link on here. RTR! http://www.finebaum.com/articles_finebaum.htmlTitle: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: BAMAWV on April 21, 2011, 03:08:19 PM Lee Harvey to be on PF in the next hour. Pull up a chair. :lunch: Live NOW.Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 21, 2011, 03:30:52 PM I'm listening to him now. This guy is seriously crazy and has his priorities all screwed up. He never attended the university, doesn't have season tickets, in fact, I doubt if he's ever been to a game, but he's a HUGE fan. Named his children Bear and Crimson. This guy shure needs a life.
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 21, 2011, 03:46:50 PM Well, at least he admitted he brough everything on himself and could not fault the Auburn folks for hating him. He also said he deserves what the law does to him.
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: BAMAWV on April 21, 2011, 03:53:52 PM I'm listening to him now. This guy is seriously crazy and has his priorities all screwed up. He never attended the university, doesn't have season tickets, in fact, I doubt if he's ever been to a game, but he's a HUGE fan. Named his children Bear and Crimson. This guy shure needs a life. They say he ran on the field during a bowl game. I've seen pictures of him tailgating at Bama game(s). But he is coo-coo. He admits he called the showand said he poisened the trees, but denies actually doing it. Right now he is playing the victim card for sympathy. As for yesterdays purported mugging, he contends the emergency room was going to give him a stitch or two,but he got tired off waiting-- not a "scratch" as some contend (Police Chief Elkins). Also he made the point that had he been looking for sympathy from the court, in the way of a change of venue, he would have faked the mugging before the hearing. LOL at the Opelika Police Chief's describing Updyke as uncooperative for not identifying his attackers. ???Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Chechem on April 21, 2011, 04:35:19 PM I'm listening to him now. This guy is seriously crazy and has his priorities all screwed up. He never attended the university, doesn't have season tickets, in fact, I doubt if he's ever been to a game, but he's a HUGE fan. Named his children Bear and Crimson. This guy shure needs a life. They say he ran on the field during a bowl game. I've seen pictures of him tailgating at Bama game(s). But he is coo-coo. He admits he called the showand said he poisened the trees, but denies actually doing it. Right now he is playing the victim card for sympathy. As for yesterdays purported mugging, he contends the emergency room was going to give him a stitch or two,but he got tired off waiting-- not a "scratch" as some contend (Police Chief Elkins). Also he made the point that had he been looking for sympathy from the court, in the way of a change of venue, he would have faked the mugging before the hearing. LOL at the Opelika Police Chief's describing Updyke as uncooperative for not identifying his attackers. ???This guy, Harvey Updike, just came along too late to star in one of Faulkner's books, even though he'd be a perfect fit. He'll have to settle for John Grisham. If Grisham made up this character it wouldn't be credible. This is a man who should be immediately added to the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame. It's too weird to be real. Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 21, 2011, 05:04:35 PM Not to the Hall of Fame, but Ripley's Believe it or Not. :o
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: BAMAWV on April 21, 2011, 05:07:47 PM Not to the Hall of Fame, but Ripley's Believe it or Not. :o Right next to the Agent Orange exhibit?Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: cbbama99 on April 21, 2011, 07:13:15 PM Lee Harvey should be a lesson to women to not smoke weed when you are pregnant.
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Jamos on April 21, 2011, 07:20:17 PM Updyke is a disgrace to himself, what some people will do for a few moments of attention truely amazes me.
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: 2Stater on April 21, 2011, 07:33:03 PM Lee Harvey should be a lesson to women to not smoke weed when you are pregnant. # :lol: Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: ricky023 on April 21, 2011, 08:33:10 PM I wish I could hear it but I don't get the channel I don't guess. If you could put us a link on here. RTR! http://www.finebaum.com/articles_finebaum.htmlThanks so much BAMAWV. RTR! Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: XBAMA on April 21, 2011, 08:38:16 PM confession : when I heard about the attack I sort of hoped it was by Alabama fans :-[
;D ;) Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: ricky023 on April 21, 2011, 08:41:31 PM confession : when I heard about the attack I sort of hoped it was by Alabama fans :-[ ;D ;) Well if it had been an Alabama fan do you think it would have been taken out of context? Like we are trying to draw everybodys' love. :what: never know I guess. :rofl: RTR! Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: XBAMA on April 21, 2011, 08:51:57 PM you're right Ricky , the 400 threads on ITAT would have had 800 different scenarios on how
we planned it and how we got the WWE to show us how to make it look real and don't forget the REC financed the whole sham ... even bought fake blood to use . Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Chechem on April 21, 2011, 08:55:37 PM When I first heard there was news about him, I was afraid he had committed suicide. He could become more of an icon than he wishes one day soon. What an odd story.
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: ricky023 on April 21, 2011, 08:55:50 PM That is certainly what I was thinking. I know I am not the sharpest tool in the shed so I know those educated Auburn folks could have thought of it also. rofl, RTR!
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: ricky023 on April 21, 2011, 08:56:41 PM Hey I still think Hollywood will get involved because of all the back and forth between Alabama and auburn. RTR!
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 21, 2011, 09:03:48 PM When I first heard there was news about him, I was afraid he had committed suicide. He could become more of an icon than he wishes one day soon. What an odd story. He's a very odd guy. Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: 2Stater on April 21, 2011, 09:13:46 PM That is certainly what I was thinking. I know I am not the sharpest tool in the shed so I know those educated Auburn folks could have thought of it also. rofl, RTR! You're smarter than you think Preacher. That in bold is what's known as an oxymoron. :think: Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: ricky023 on April 21, 2011, 09:15:58 PM Now 2stater you know I tried to wear my finger out on that one. lol. RTR!
Title: Re: Harvey Updyke attacked Post by: SUPERCOACH on April 21, 2011, 11:09:06 PM Now 2stater you know I tried to wear my finger out on that one. lol. RTR! :lol: #+ |