Title: Recruiting Service of Will Lyles and Many Prospects, Including T.R. of Tide Post by: Marshal Dillon on March 04, 2011, 05:23:14 PM Soemwhat long story but interesting. This guy has his tentacles everywhere. What a slimy situation. He's also the guy causing Oregon problems right now.
http://texas.247sports.com/Board/21/Will-Lyles-what-I-know-1303898/1 (http://texas.247sports.com/Board/21/Will-Lyles-what-I-know-1303898/1) Title: Re: Recruiting Service of Will Lyles and Many Prospects, Including T.R. of Tide Post by: Chechem on March 04, 2011, 06:51:55 PM Richardson is clean, his recruiting was clean, and we won't have problems over this. No worries.
Oregon's recruiting is dirty, their players and agents were dirty, and their program is in trouble. Title: Re: Recruiting Service of Will Lyles and Many Prospects, Including T.R. of Tide Post by: ricky023 on March 04, 2011, 07:36:47 PM If people know this guy is dirty how do they keep letting them around their kids? I know moms and dads are keeping up with what their children are into or they should be. Well as long as we are clean I am ok. I just don't know about the idea of everytime you hear of an agent you have to run to your list and see if they are involved with your players. Mom and Dad keep a better record on your children. RTR!
Title: Re: Recruiting Service of Will Lyles and Many Prospects, Including T.R. of Tide Post by: MDB Tide Roll on March 05, 2011, 04:14:52 PM I don't think the average mom and dad of a recruit is going to know this guy is dirty. And they probably are pretty overwhelmed with the whole recruiting process, especially if they haven't had another child go through it.